Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
The Benefits of Blogging: How and Why To Keep A Technical Blog
This post was written by Vaidehi Joshi. Vaidehi is a writer turned programmer. She is a Barnard College alumna and graduate of The Flatiron School. Before learning to code, she was a professional Urdu student and a sixth grade teacher. You can stay up-to-date on the amazing things she's learning at her blog, Words and Code. […]

Flatiron School
This post was written by Flatiron student Becca Shapiro and originally appeared on her blog “<3: A Coding Blog“. Check it out to learn more about Ruby and Becca's journey to becoming a developer at the Flatiron School. Want to join Becca and hundreds of other students who have changed their career through code? Check out the […]

Flatiron School
Five Lessons for Teaching High Schoolers to Code
As educators, we’re lucky enough to be the people that motivate students to love the subjects we teach. At the Flatiron School Pre-College programs, we think about this fanatically. It’s our responsibility to get our high school students to learn to love to code. We teach many types of students. Some come in having written […]

Flatiron School
Announcing the Kode with Karlie Scholarship for High School Girls
We’re thrilled to announce that we’re partnering with Karlie Kloss to create the #KodeWithKarlie Scholarship. The scholarship will give 20 girls across the country free tuition to Flatiron School’s Introduction to Software Engineering course. Karlie, model and co-founder of Karlie’s Kookies, started learning to code at Flatiron School in 2014. Since then, she’s worked to […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School Featured on PBS NewsHour
When Flatiron School cofounder Avi Flombaum first became interested in coding as a kid, he had to struggle to learn it on his own. PBS correspondent Paul Solman recently sat down with him to discuss how that experience informs the collaborative learning environment at Flatiron and to look forward into the future of the tech industry. […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School Partners with the White House on a Plan to Expand Access to Tech Education
We are thrilled to have collaborated with President Obama and his Administration on the TechHire Initiative a multi-sector effort and $100 million in grants to help Americans find technology jobs

Flatiron School
Edsger Dijkstra and the Invention of Structured Programming
Computer Scientist Edsger Dijkstra shaped his field from both an engineering and a theoretical perspective. Today, he is best known as the inventor of structured programming, a master of tongue-in-cheek commentary, and a former owner of a Volkswagen van dubbed “the Touring Machine.” Despite what he might have said about object oriented programming, Dijkstra is […]
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