Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Introducing Kode With Karlie Scholar Gretchen Hubbard
This summer, model Karlie Kloss is sponsoring the Kode with Karlie Scholarship, giving 21 girls across the United States access to Flatiron School’s summer coding classes. Meet Gretchen Hubbard, a globetrotting do-gooder who is inspired by 3D printing. 1. Tell us who you are in one sentence. I am an outgoing, adventurous, and spiritual person […]

Flatiron School
How Claude Shannon and One Formula Brought Us Into the Information Age
Welcome back to another edition of Code History Lesson, where we spotlight ye computer scientists of olde, one tech genius at a time._This week we're taking a look at Claude Shannon, a man who won 10 honorary doctorates, pioneered the digital revolution, and sometimes juggled on a unicycle while doing it. For your entertainment and education, […]

Flatiron School
Join Us for a One-Day Electronics Workshop to Build a Sound-Generating Circuit
We’re excited to announce the launch of Build Your Own Sound-Generating Circuit—a workshop designed to get you started in working with electronic circuits. About DIY Electronics – Build Your Own Sound-Generating Circuit This beginner-level workshop teaches students the fundamentals of electricity, reading circuit diagrams, soldering, and how to build an Atari Punk Console (sound generating […]

Flatiron School
Checksum Gives Me Indigestion
This post was written by Flatiron student Jeremy Sklarsky and originally appeared on his blog. Check it out to learn more about Ruby and Jeremy’s journey to becoming a developer at the Flatiron School. Want to join Jeremy and hundreds of other students who have changed their career through code? Check out the Flatiron School’s upcoming courses near […]

Flatiron School
rails g —quick-reference
This post was written by Flatiron student Rachel Nackman and originally appeared on her blog. Check it out to learn more about Ruby and Rachel’s journey to becoming a developer at the Flatiron School. Want to join Rachel and hundreds of other students who have changed their career through code? Check out the Flatiron School’s upcoming courses […]

Flatiron School
Using Digital Ocean and Dokku for easier Rails app deploys
This post was written by Flatiron student Dan Visitainer and originally appeared on his blog. Check it out to learn more about Ruby and Dan’s journey to becoming a developer at the Flatiron School. Want to join Dan and hundreds of other students who have changed their career through code? Check out the Flatiron School’s upcoming courses near you. […]

Flatiron School
Announcing the 2015 Kode with Karlie Scholars
In April we announced the Kode with Karlie Scholarship which offers free tuition to Flation School’s Pre-College academy to girls around the United States. Karlie Kloss, model, entrepreneur and founder of the Kode with Karlie Scholarship, was overwhelmed with the responses from young women who want to use their programming skills to change their communities and transform […]
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