Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Flatiron Volunteers with Venture for America
If Flatiron School knows how to do something, it's placing their students on a career track they love. That's why Flatiron's labs developer Spencer Rogers volunteered his time to help do just that in Providence, RI. In collaboration with Venture for America (VFA), a non-profit fellowship program, participants who have recently graduated from college are […]

Flatiron School
5 Questions with KwK Scholar Cindy Zhou
Kode with Karlie scholar Cindy Zhou has had a lifelong desire to become a mummy and an astronaut, which definitely ups her cool factor. After speaking with her, we found that her dreams and admiration stretch from Russia to Japan to worlds unknown. Read on to see what makes her tick. What inspired you to learn to […]

Flatiron School
From Student to Teacher: Maya Man
For Maya Man, a two-week introductory programming class at The Flatiron School literally changed her life. Originally, Maya had planned to study Physics at Pomona College in Southern California. She changed her plans, however, once she started programming and realized she could combine her creative and technical interests by studying computer science. She will return […]

Flatiron School
Once a Flatiron student, now coming back to hire: Sterling Walker
A funny thing happened at our Flatiron “Speed Dating” event last week. A Flatiron Fellow who graduated a little over a year ago came back — this time to hire some students of her own. Breset Walker (known by most as Sterling Walker) is now Team Lead of Software Development at 2U, an educational tech […]

Flatiron School
3 Ways to Start Coding With Your Kid
One question parents often ask Flatiron School is, “Where should my kid start?” With so many products popping up to address this concern, the answer may be simpler than you think. Introduce them to games, videos, or community-oriented coding, and we have a feeling you'll be on the right track. Here are three ways to […]

Flatiron School
5 Questions with KwK Scholar Hannah Breall
Between fashion design, dog showing, and excelling in school, we're not quite sure where Kode with Karlie scholar Hannah Breall finds the time to fit in so many lines of code. But with a passion for empowering women through technology and hoping to use her skills to help people with autism, we have a feeling she'll […]

Flatiron School
Catherine McCurry and the Art of Code
Some of Catherine McCurry's ideas may sound like they come straight from the Sci-Fi Channel, but as a creative programmer, thinking about the future is just part of the job. Originally a classical violinist, McCurry fuses art with tech in surprising and innovative ways. In 2013, she teamed up with Nexus and Delta Airlines to […]
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