Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
How to Get a Job After Graduating From a Programming School
Flatiron alum Kyle Doherty originally posted this article on his blog. He currently works as a Software Engineer at AlphaSights. DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion based on what got me a job and what my company looks for when we’re evaluating junior candidates.In the past five months I’ve gone to programming school demo days, […]

Flatiron School
Partnering with Teach for America to Launch the Computer Science Education Fellowship Program
To celebrate the launch of The Computer Science Education Fellowship, Flatiron School’s Director of K-12 Programs

Flatiron School
What Working in Baseball Taught Me about Web Development
Flatiron School Alum and Developer Adam Jonas left his job as a Major League Baseball Scout to pursue a career in software development. Although he thought he left baseball behind him, he found that successful ball players have a few things in common with successful developers—the ability to learn from mistakes, stay consistent, and be […]

Flatiron School
From Deloitte to Google: a Flatiron Alum’s Path to Rediscovering What He Loves About Tech
Before enrolling in Flatiron School, Basar Akyelli was an Electronic Discovery manager at Deloitte. Concerned that his skills were slowly becoming outdated and driven by an enthusiasm for Apple products, he enrolled in Flatiron School’s iOS Development Immersive. Now a Product Manager at Google, Basar spoke with us to share what spurred his career […]

Flatiron School
Fog Creek and the NYC Web Development Fellowship: Partnering to Nurture Diversity
At Flatiron School, we talk to a lot of companies that hire developers—and often, we end up discussing diversity.

Flatiron School
Accountability in Education: The Flatiron School 2014 Jobs Report
Over the past two years, it has been a privilege to share our love of code with more than 350 students. Our graduates have trusted us with their futures—and we have not taken this responsibility lightly. When we first opened our doors in 2012, among the questions we hoped to answer was this: “By leveraging the […]

Flatiron School
Student Projects at The Flatiron School Science Fair
Huge thanks to everyone who came out (in a snow storm!) to this semester’s Science Fair. In spite of the weather, our Web and iOS students demoed their apps for representatives from over 150 companies. All together, students presented more than 100 apps they built over the course of the last 12 weeks. If you […]
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