Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
From Board Game to App: How to Build a Single Page Web App for Mobile
Amanda Himmeltoss is a developer and Instructor in Flatiron School’s Web Development Immersive. An avid board game player, she explains how she made one her favorite games more portable with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Rack. I few weeks ago, I was faced with a dilemma. I really like playing the game Carcassonne, and I wanted […]

Flatiron School
From Flatiron School to Acquisition: A Flatiron Alum’s Path to Starting and Selling a Company
Business School grad and Flatiron alum, Justin Belmont was no stranger to entrepreneurship when he enrolled in Flatiron School’s Web Development Immersive. By the time the company he co-founded, Perkla, was acquired by ID.me, he had the programming chops to continue his career in product management. Justin sat down with us to share why he […]

Flatiron School
The 10 Principles of Good Web Design for Developers
No matter the technologies used, good design decisions can help developers make better, more usable software. Mitch Boyer is a designer, developer, and Instructor for Flatiron School’s Web Development Immersive. In this post, he breaks down Industrial Designer Dieter Rams’s 10 Principles of Good Design for developers working on their own projects—or who might not […]

Software Engineering
You’re Not an Impostor: How to Manage Self-Expectations as a New Developer
Ian Miller is an instructor in Flatiron School’s Web Development Immersive—and a former student. Having been through the program himself, he’s well-aware of the internal struggles that new students face when grappling with gaps in their skills and transitioning to entirely new careers. Here’s the advice Ian gives to students on believing in their individual […]

Flatiron School
A Flatiron Alum’s Advice on Starting a New Career in Code
Web developer and prolific cartoonist, Saron Yitbarek enrolled in Flatiron School’s web immersive to chase a passion and kick off a brand new career

Flatiron School
Announcing: NYC and The Flatiron School Partner to Launch a New NYC Web Dev Fellowship
We’re thrilled to announce that we are renewing our partnership with New York City to launch a new iteration of the NYC Web Development Fellowship.

Flatiron School
From Project Manager to Node.js Developer
Sara sat down with us to share her advice on how to find a passion for programming and transform an interest in code into a whole new career
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