Women In Tech

Women In Tech: 4 Grad’s Stories | Women’s History Month

In celebration of Women’s History Month, here are the stories of four recent female Flatiron School grads making waves in the tech industry.
Image of Doug Lu
Alumni Stories

Doug Lu: Keep Your Job Search Options Open

Doug Lu graduated from Flatiron School's Data Science program with his heart set on working for a particular company. He soon learned the importance of keeping his options open.
Diversity In Tech

Black History Month | POC in Tech: Five Graduate’s Stories

For POC in tech, it can often feel like they don't belong. These five grad's stories prove otherwise, that yes - POC do belong in tech.
Image of Brian Tracy
Alumni Stories

The Danger of Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket: Brian Tracy’s Story

Brian Tracy began his job search thinking he could get any job he interviewed for. He soon learned not to put all his eggs in one basket.
Image of Greg Damico
Staff / Coach Features

Greg Damico: From Academica To Tech

Greg Damico, Technical Faculty Manager at Flatiron School, spent more than 2 decades in academia before pivoting into tech in search of more stable career prospects.
Image of Jesse Pisel
Staff / Coach Features

Jesse Pisel: From Geology Professor To Data Science Curriculum Manager

Jesse Pisel accumulated a bachelor's, a Ph.D., and 15+ years as a geologist in academia before pivoting into tech for a faster-paced work environment.