Data Science

Alumni Stories
Troy Hendrickson: From Sales to Stats Auditor for the NBA
"I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the learning process, Flatiron's values aligned perfectly with mine."

Artificial Intelligence
Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function for Neural Networks
Activation functions play an important role in neural networks and deep learning algorithms. A common activation function is the hyperbolic tangent function, which is like the trigonometric tangent function, but defined using a hyperbola rather than a circle.

Artificial Intelligence
Why Do We Need Statistics for Data Science?
Data science needs statistics not only for descriptive and inferential statistics, but also for the statistical learning techniques of artificial intelligence.

Career Advice
Learning Mathematics and Statistics for Data Science
Data Science is a rapidly growing field, but as prospective students consider data science, they often have trepidation about the mathematics and statistics involved. Learn why we need mathematics for data science.

Tech Trends
Taylor Swift and Data Science: An Unlikely Duo
Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, quantified. Learn the power of data storytelling with Quarto, an open-source tool used by data science teams across a variety of industries.

Alumni Stories
Jasmine Huang: Business to Data Science
“I love my job as an Actuarial Data Analyst, it’s exactly what I dreamed of.”

Alumni Stories
Milena Afeworki: Civil Engineering to Data Science
“Expect a learning curve where immediate progress might not be apparent. But keep persisting, and once those skills take root, you’ll be amazed by how far you’ve come.”
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