Flatiron School Blog
Expanded Access: The Access Scholarship in the wake of COVID-19
Flatiron School is a community of life-long learners and career changers, finding connections as students, instructors, and learning communities, both online and in-person.
Flatiron School
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask a Question: Problem Solving on Learn.co
Flatiron School no longer user the Ask a Question feature When you get stuck on a coding problem, there’s a benefit to working at it and googling it before asking for help. But when you’ve exhausted those options, it’s time to ask a question. Unfortunately, that’s not the easiest thing to do when learning online […]
Data Science
How to Understand Coronavirus Data by Understanding Data Science
Your guide to understanding coronavirus numbers, death rates, and spread rates.
Career Advice
Leaning into Uncertainty: Celebrate Your Wins
Promoting positivity is more important than ever right now. Given the changes in your communities (and, for many of us, in our workspaces) in recent weeks, you may need to adjust your expectations for your own productivity or what you believe you need to accomplish each day. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by […]
Software Engineering
5 Reasons To Learn Remotely
We are living in extraordinary and challenging times. Here at Flatiron School, our mission is to change lives through education
Software Engineering
The 5 Top Reasons To Learn Remotely
We are living in extraordinary and challenging times. Here at Flatiron School, our mission is to change lives through education
Career Advice
How to Create a Daily Habit and Actually Stick to It
How to Create a Daily Habit Actually Stick to It When you’re adjusting to a new lifestyle, consistency is crucial. Do something daily. Establish a schedule. Whether you’re coding for ten minutes, sticking to a new workout routine, or learning something new (or helping your kids learn something new), good habits and rituals will keep […]
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