Flatiron School Blog
UX / UI Product Design
UX vs. UI vs. Graphic Design: Three Different Kinds of Design
Here’s a quick overview of the three different primary forms of visual design, what they mean, and how they relate to one another
Flatiron School partners with NYC’s Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to address income gap
At Flatiron School, our mission is to enable the pursuit of a better life through education. Founded in the Flatiron district of Manhattan, we began as a small school committed to helping passionate people learn to code—and, equally important, supporting our students as they launch careers in tech through an immersive curriculum, supportive community, and […]
Alumni Stories
Future Focus: A London creative looks to the future of tech
Meet JiaXuan Hong, a creative turned coder. JiaXuan was running her own creative agency supporting modern dance projects that incorporated technology. Fascinated by the future of tech, she turned to Flatiron School to study software engineering. Now, she's a developer at ThoughtWorks, a global technology consultancy. As part of our Future Focus series, we caught […]
Alumni Stories
Future Focus: this London coder loves his job in theatre
Sang Song has always loved the theatre—a self-described "theatre geek, he grew up passionate about the West End, but never thought he could work in the field. A Londoner, Sang studied politics and history at Uni before starting a career in marketing and analytics at a variety of companies. Sang was always interested in tech—and […]
Jobs Report 2019: Flatiron School London’s impressive jobs results
As the General Manager of Flatiron School London, I have the exciting job of running our London campus, overseeing everything from campus operations to marketing and industry partnerships. When I first came to Flatiron School, I was humbled by our team’s commitment to helping students learn, grow, and conquer their fears, to launch careers in […]
Alumni Stories
Flatiron School alum builds community in Charlotte, NC
There are vibrant, fast-growing tech hubs flourishing across the country. Oftentimes, our online graduates are some of the first to know where they’re popping up. We spoke with Anthony, a graduate of Flatiron School’s online software engineering course, who lives and works in Charlotte, North Carolina. While learning with Flatiron School and launching his new […]
Alumni Stories
Future Focus: The future is bright for this London alum
Flatiron School London alumna, Lucy, came to Flatiron School because she sought change: in her job, her day-to-day life, her future—but also in herself and the future of tech. Studying at Flatiron School, she overcame personal and professional challenges to do something great: learn to code, switch career, buy a house, support those she loved. […]
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