Flatiron School Blog
Software Engineering
Flatiron School Students are Using their Skills to Address Problems in the Wake of the Coronavirus
Embracing their newfound ability to make the world a better place through technology, our students used their projects as an opportunity to solve problems in the wake of COVID-19.
Flatiron School Partners with NCWIT to Offer Full-Tuition Technical Training to Women in Alabama and Michigan
At Flatiron School, we believe in creating a more diverse, inclusive tech workforce. To date, we’ve done this in a lot of ways, including helping over 1,000 women break into tech through impact-driven diversity initiatives and scholarships. Today, we’re excited to announce our partnership with the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). They’re […]
Flatiron School
What Does Remote Live Accelerated Learning Look Like at Flatiron School?
Comparing Flatiron School's on-campus and online courses.
Alumni Stories
From TSA Security to Software Engineer
Meet Atlanta Flatiron School Alum and Popmenu Software Engineer, Deka Ambia! During the summer of 6th grade, she stumbled upon coding through an internet forum and fell in love with it. Later in life, she received poor advice that she needed to be proficient in math to take programming classes in college, so she abandoned the […]
Career Advice
The Ultimate Guide to Cybersecurity Careers
How do you change careers to cyber security? What cyber security jobs are there? What's the average salary? All our questions are answered here.
Alumni Stories
One Student’s Journey From Media Marketing to Effortless Event Planning
Meet London Flatiron School Alum and Eve.io Data Scientist Shuyu Wu
Alumni Stories
One Student’s Journey from Stay-at-Home Mom to Mod 1
Meet Flatiron Alum and Software Engineer at Lantern, Wendy Calderon
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