Flatiron School Blog
Alumni Stories
From Financial Forecasting to Covid Forecasting
“Instead of looking at the current uncertainties as a setback, I would look at it as an opportunity for us to further improve ourselves with additional skills.” // Meet Flatiron School Data Science Alum and volunteer at Young Digital Leaders, Khairul Omar! After spending years in Business Performance Analysis, Khairul decided to skill up with data science to expand […]
Software Engineering
7 Great Tech Companies Hiring in Miami
This guide breaks down seven of the most well-ranked Miami-area companies hiring right now.
Software Engineering
6 Great Tech Companies Hiring in Charlotte
This guide breaks down six of Charlotte’s highest-ranked companies on Glassdoor that are hiring for tech roles
Flatiron School: The Next Chapter
After three remarkable years, we’re excited to announce that Flatiron School will return to operating as an independent organization.
Next Chapter: Student FAQs
Will my course change? Your course experience will not be affected. You can expect the exact same Flatiron School experience you’ve been receiving. Rest assured that our focus on providing the best educational experience through our instructors, curriculum, and career services will not change. Flatiron School will continue to operate its campus programs out of […]
In Response to Current Events
t's been a difficult couple of months. And while oftentimes adversity can bring out the best in us, over the past few weeks we've had to confront some of the worst.
Career Advice
5 Job Search Tips for Starting a Career as a Coder
Here are some quick job search tips to help you conduct an effective job search and start a new career.
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