Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
Milena Afeworki: Civil Engineering to Data Science
“Expect a learning curve where immediate progress might not be apparent. But keep persisting, and once those skills take root, you’ll be amazed by how far you’ve come.”

Alumni Stories
Hannah Kofkin: Design to Software Engineering
"It was scary and difficult to leave a steady job, especially during covid, but I worked hard and it was all worth it in the end!”

Data Science
How Much Math Do You Need to Become a Data Scientist?
While data science is built on top of a lot of math, the amount of math required to become a practicing data scientist may be less than you think.

Tech Trends
How Much Do Coding Bootcamps Cost in 2023?
Coding bootcamps can prepare you for a new Software Engineering career quickly - but how much do they cost exactly?

Cybersecurity Engineering
How to Get into Cybersecurity in 2023
Wondering how to get into Cybersecurity? No matter where you’re starting from, there is a path for you into the industry.

Cybersecurity Engineering
Are Cybersecurity Bootcamps Worth It In 2024?
Deciding whether or not a cybersecurity bootcamp is worth it comes down to your individual reasons for attending and professional goals.

Alumni Stories
Tony Khawaja-Lopez: MMA Coach to Cybersecurity
“My life simply wouldn't be the same without changing careers. My wife and I are living well because of my career switch.”
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