Flatiron School Blog

Artificial Intelligence
Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function for Neural Networks
Activation functions play an important role in neural networks and deep learning algorithms. A common activation function is the hyperbolic tangent function, which is like the trigonometric tangent function, but defined using a hyperbola rather than a circle.

Career Advice
The Best-Paying Cybersecurity Careers in 2024
There are many cybersecurity career paths you can take. Here are our top picks for 2024 (and beyond) based on career growth and compensation.

Career Advice
System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers
System design interviews are open-ended and test different skills than coding-based interviews. This post will clarify the interview process and give you guidelines to start preparing for one today.

Tech Trends
What Do Designers Use Figma For?
Figma is by far the most popular software in the design industry today. But how does Figma fit into the workflow of a professional product designer?

Alumni Stories
Andrew Smit: Band Director to Software Engineer
"You have to trust the process. A little bit every day goes a long way, and before you know it, those little instances add up to something big."

Alumni Stories
Katie Behrmann: Educator to Engineer
“I was always excited at the end of my work day to solve coding challenges, build with code, and get creative.”

Alumni Stories
Juliet Day: Law to Data Science
“I’ve been here for over a year and I still love it and find it exciting every day. In some ways, it’s the law career I never had.”
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