Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
11 Best Websites to Practice Coding for Beginners in 2024
Coding is not a spectator sport. To develop your skills, you must write it yourself. Here are the best websites to practice coding.

Software Engineering
Software Engineer Salary by Company in 2023
Wondering how much software engineers earn? Here are the average software engineer salaries at 23 top top companies.

Career Advice
Apple Cider Sips and Slip-Ups: It’s Okay to Make Mistakes
One thing that can be hard for new grads to learn - it's okay to make mistakes! Here's three steps to accepting that making mistakes is okay.

Alumni Stories
Qingsong Chen: Biology to Cybersecurity
“My favorite part of the program was the hands-on labs. Only by getting your hands dirty can truly understand what you have learned.”

Alumni Stories
Terry Threatt: Event Management to Software Engineering
“Flatiron School offered exactly what I needed to streamline my learning and prepare me for the ever-evolving tech world.”

Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023
For the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month we’re featuring 5 recent Cybersecurity grads and their reasons for pursuing a career in the field.

Career Advice
What To Do If You Hate Your Job
There's nothing worse than landing a job after a long search, just to realize you're not happy. Here's what to do if you hate your job.
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