Software Engineering

You’re Not an Impostor: How to Manage Self-Expectations as a New Developer

Ian Miller is an instructor in Flatiron School’s Web Development Immersive—and a former student. Having been through the program himself, he’s well-aware of the internal struggles that new students face when grappling with gaps in their skills and transitioning to entirely new careers. Here’s the advice Ian gives to students on believing in their individual […]
Flatiron School

A Flatiron Alum’s Advice on Starting a New Career in Code

Web developer and prolific cartoonist, Saron Yitbarek enrolled in Flatiron School’s web immersive to chase a passion and kick off a brand new career
Flatiron School

Announcing: NYC and The Flatiron School Partner to Launch a New NYC Web Dev Fellowship

We’re thrilled to announce that we are renewing our partnership with New York City to launch a new iteration of the NYC Web Development Fellowship.
Flatiron School

From Project Manager to Node.js Developer

Sara sat down with us to share her advice on how to find a passion for programming and transform an interest in code into a whole new career
Flatiron School

Learning as Product: Building Better Education at Flatiron School

As VP of Product at The Flatiron School, Mat Balez often gets asked: what does “Product” even mean at a school that teaches people to code? Here are his thoughts on approaching education as technologists and designers approach building products. It’s a great question and to answer it properly requires stepping back and thinking about […]
Flatiron School

Teaching Front-end Web Dev at Flatiron School: With Instructor Jonathan Grover

Jonathan Grover is a new media artist, programmer, and the Lead Front-end Instructor at The Flatiron School.