Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Flatiron School At New York Tech Meetup
Last night’s New York Tech Meetup was a really great time. Not only did we get to see awesome demos from Makr and Bubble, we totally got to see Mayor de Blasio introduce New York City’s first ever CTO Minerva Tantoco. Crazy, right? Here are some highlights: 1. Flatiron Co-founder Avi explained why we’ve started […]

Flatiron School
Learn How to Build Android Apps: Announcing Android for Developers
We’re so excited to announce the launch of Android for Developers—a 10 week course designed to teach developers how to program for Android. About Android for Developers The course is built from market demand and based on Google’s set of requirements for Android design and application. In 10 weeks, developers with at least one year […]

Flatiron School
New To Tech? Amanda Peyton of Etsy Shares Some Advice
She stopped by Flatiron School to talk through questions she always gets about how to start working in tech. Here’s what we learned:

Flatiron School
From Flatiron School to Y Combinator: Advice from Danny Olinsky, Co-founder of StatusPage.io
Once a Sales Director at a B2B software company, Danny Olinsky always had product ideas but never had the technical skills to make them happen. After graduating from Flatiron School’s Web Development program, he co-founded StatusPage.io and headed off to Y Combinator. Currently: Co-founder of StatusPage.io (YCS13), Flatiron Web Development Alum Previously: Director of Sales […]

Flatiron School
#WhyICode: Win Two Seats In Flatiron After School
Here’s a chance to win two spots in Flatiron After School*—a new coding conservatory for high schoolers in the New York City area. Starting in September, students in will learn the tools professional developers use every day—that’s HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Ruby. By the end of the course, they’ll be able to build and deploy […]

Flatiron School
Tomorrow: A Swift Start
Don’t forget! We’ve teamed up with Orta Therox of CocoaPods and Artsy to host A Swift Start—a one day iOS conference. Designers and developers from companies like Tumblr, Etsy, Artsy, Meetup, and Kickstarter will be stopping by all day to talk about the ups and downs of learning and building for iOS. Why have an […]

Flatiron School
High Schoolers Make Awesome Coders
Flatiron Summer School was an absolute blast. In just two weeks, more than 100 high school students went from little to no coding knowledge to building dynamic web applications in Sinatra—that’s what we teach our adult classes in a month! They took on the exact same material and totally ran with it. We were so […]
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