Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Learn To Program Your Favorite Song
'Cause the coders gonna code, code, code, code, code…. In his latest online lecture, our co-founder, Avi, taught us how to code his favorite Taylor Swift song: “Shake it Off.” Using Ruby code and Sonic Pi – a live coding synth used by beginner students and pro musicians alike – he showed us how to use […]

Flatiron School
An Inside Look at Flatiron School’s Online Campus With Student Sarah Lichter
This was originally published on Course Report. Sarah was working as a grants manager for a nonprofit, when she got inspired by browsing beautiful websites to pursue coding. She wanted to find a way to study coding without quitting her job, so she chose to attend the Web Developer course on Flatiron School’s online campus, Learn.co. It meant […]

Career Advice
How Flatiron School Gets Grads Jobs
This post was originally published on Switchup.org. Flatiron School VP of Business Development, Rebekah Rombom, gives insight into how our job placements team successfully places 99% of our grads. I’m Rebekah, and I run placements at Flatiron School, a coding bootcamp with both in-person classes (NYC) and Online Programs. Delivering outcomes is a critical part […]

Flatiron School
Computer Science Degrees vs. Coding Bootcamps [webinar recap]
This week, Flatiron School was part of a webinar on Computer Science vs. Coding Bootcamps hosted by our friends at Course Report. Our VP of Education, Joe Burgess, along with the founders of other bootcamps like Hack Reactor, Startup Institute, and and Bloc tackled loaded questions like: “How are coding bootcamps different than CS Degrees?” […]

Flatiron School
From Linguistics Major to Software Developer – Jen’s Summer at Flatiron
This post originally appeared on March 23, 2015.While attending University of Michigan as a Spanish and Linguistics major, Flatiron School alum Jen Eisenberg spent a summer learning to program in our Web Development Immersive. When she returned to college for her Senior year, she had a new skillset and a new direction in her studies. […]

Flatiron School
Alan Turing: The Father of Theoretical Computer Science
This post originally appeared on October 3, 2014. The quote above is from Alan Turing’s essay, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (the one where he introduces the Turing Test). It might seem like an overarching statement about technology, but it’s actually about building a theoretical basis for artificial intelligence back when AI was just fantasy. As […]
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