Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Re:Coded and Flatiron School Launch Fellowship to Train Syrian Refugees
The conflict in Syria has displaced millions. These refugees contend with hunger, homelessness, and extreme poverty—in the five years since the start of the Syrian crisis, Syrian refugees earned less than 40% of the average wage in Iraq, for instance. Additionally, access to education and professional development for millions has been disrupted. Through a partnership […]

Flatiron School
The Typical (and Not-So-Typical) Projects You’ll Encounter as an Entry-Level Developer
This post, by Flatiron School alum Tiffany Peon, originally appeared on Quora. What are the most common types of projects for entry-level programmers?Many aspiring programmers, myself included, start learning to code because they know they want a career as a software engineer—but it’s not always clear what they’ll actually be doing and what projects they’ll […]

Flatiron School
Announcing the Kode With Klossy Career Scholarship for Women
Did you know that 57% of bachelor’s degrees are earned by women, yet they only account for 18% of the computer science degrees issued? And startups with women leaders are more than two times as likely to be successful? Thanks to initiatives like the Kode With Klossy summer coding camp, young women across the country are getting […]

Flatiron School
The 11 Best Slack Groups for New Programmers
When you’re just starting out, the tech world can feel pretty intimidating. That’s why open Slack groups are so ideal for tech beginners: You can get career advice, coding help, and general support without ever leaving your chair. Even better? You’ll meet mentors and friends from all across the world—and I probably don’t need to […]

Flatiron School
How I’m Coding Through Impostor Syndrome
This post was written by Flatiron School student Rachel Bronstein and originally appeared on her blog. Do you ever have the sneaking suspicion that you might be a fraud? That your greatest achievements might just be slick manipulation, or that you’ve just skated by to success through pure happenstance? If so, you’re not alone. You might have a […]

Flatiron School
Three Mothers Find Work-Life Integration Through Programming
Prospective employees look for more than a great salary and room to grow when scouting potential career moves. Nowadays, people care about how their time in the office will affect their time outside it—and they’re factoring it into their career choices. This is particularly true for parents, who are juggling the needs of their family […]

Flatiron School
Want to Build a Mobile Product for the App Store? Meet iOS Instructor Jim
We interviewed Jim Campagno, iOS instructor at Flatiron School in NYC, who is helping students turn their mobile app ideas into reality. What do you teach? I’m an iOS instructor here. I help students learn Swift & Objective-C (programming languages) as well as iOS development. By the end of class, a student should have an app in […]
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