Learn To Program Your Favorite Song

'Cause the coders gonna code, code, code, code, code…. In his latest online lecture, our co-founder, Avi, taught us how to code his favorite Taylor Swift song: “Shake it Off.” Using Ruby code and Sonic Pi – a live coding synth used by beginner students and pro musicians alike – he showed us how to use […]

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'Cause the coders gonna code, code, code, code, code….

In his latest online lecture, our co-founder, Avi, taught us how to code his favorite Taylor Swift song: “Shake it Off.” Using Ruby code and Sonic Pi – a live coding synth used by beginner students and pro musicians alike – he showed us how to use methods and other coding basics to program the song: everything from the harmony and melody to the volume and tempo

Throughout my life, I’ve always experienced code as a creative endeavor,” says Avi. “It’s not just about building apps, it’s also a medium to express an idea or model a phenomenon in the world around you.”

If you want to recreate Taylor's “Shake it Off” yourself or even program your own favorite song, check out the recorded lecture!

Tweet to us @FlatironSchoolor @aviflombaum, and let us know what song you’ve chosen.And to continue learning the ins and outs of programming, try out our free intro course onLearn.co.

Let's make beautiful music (and code!) together.

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of March 21, 2016. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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