Women In Tech

Staff / Coach Features
Teacher Appreciation Week 2023
This Teacher Appreciation Week we are celebrating the Flatiron School team members who help deliver our student's immersive programs.

Women In Tech
Women In Tech: 4 Grad’s Stories | Women’s History Month
In celebration of Women’s History Month, here are the stories of four recent female Flatiron School grads making waves in the tech industry.

Alumni Stories
Victoria LeBel: Registered Nurse to Software Engineer
Victoria LeBel spent 4 years as a nurse before making the decision to pivot into tech in search of a more creative career path.

Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Guest Experts
Our courses regularly invite guest experts so students can hear about their experiences. Here are four recently featured Cybersecurity guest experts.

Alumni Stories
Carla Stickler: From Broadway Star To Software Engineer
"I love my job and couldn’t be more grateful for the life that attending Flatiron and learning to code has provided for me.”

Alumni Stories
Jillian Short: From The Arts To Tech
Jillian Short began her career in the arts. But, like many others, the pandemic forced her to pivot. Since graduating from Flatiron School's Software Engineering Program in May 2021, she is now thriving in tech.

Staff / Coach Features
Bani Phul-Anand: From Beauty To Product Design
Bani Phul-Anand, a Lead Instructor of Product Design at Flatiron School, has more than 12 years of experience in Product Design. She began her career in luxury beauty and fashion, but a pivot into tech eventually led her to a career in Product Design.
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