Tim Lee: From Finance to Data Science

With data rapidly growing in importance, the demand for skilled professionals to unlock its potential is soaring. Tim Lee exemplifies this perfectly. While Tim gained years of valuable experience as a Project Manager implementing banking software, he craved a more hands-on, creative role. This desire, combined with the rise of Data Science, led him to Flatiron School. In this blog, Tim shares his inspiring journey, detailing the challenges and triumphs that shaped his successful career shift into data science.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

“I was working at one of the Big Four banks as a project manager, helping guide the creation of banking software,” Tim explains. “But I wasn’t getting as hands-on as I would like. A large portion of my job was filled with meetings and paperwork. It just didn’t scratch the itch to create.”

At the same time, the world of data science was just beginning to take off. Tim was fascinated by its potential to unlock insights from the ever-growing mountain of data. “The world was generating more and more data, too much for anyone to reasonably process using traditional techniques,” he says. “And along came novel ways of wrangling these huge datasets and transforming them into insights, ideas, and knowledge.” Recognizing this shift, Tim knew he needed to learn more skills to thrive in this new data-driven landscape.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Enrolling in Flatiron’s February 2020 Data Science bootcamp, Tim was eager to immerse himself in the learning environment. “I lived a few blocks from the downtown Manhattan campus,” he recalls. However, the global pandemic intervened, forcing the program to transition to remote learning just weeks after it began.

While many might find such a sudden shift disruptive, Tim turned it into an opportunity for deep focus. “The entire world was trapped indoors,” he says. “With nothing else to do, I studied the material. I reviewed the lessons. I practiced coding. I took notes (which I still consult sometimes today).”  This dedication turned out to be a defining factor in Tim’s success.

Tim’s final project at Flatiron exemplifies his passion and drive. “I coded an idea that I had even before enrolling in Flatiron,” he reveals. This project, called Moviegoer, aimed to teach computers how to “watch” movies and understand the emotional content within them. “I wrote the algorithm that partitions movies into individual scenes – this algorithm is still being used in Moviegoer today,” Tim says with pride.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

Tim has successfully transitioned back into the finance sector working in Credit Analytics for Pretium Partners, but this time on his own terms. “I returned to the finance sector at a much smaller firm, a hedge fund, where I build quantitative software,” he explains. “I am significantly more hands-on: I know the software I want to make, and I build it.”

While his day job fulfills his creative needs, Tim hasn’t forgotten about Moviegoer. “Aside from that, I’m still working on Moviegoer,” he says. The project continues to evolve, and Tim highlights the progress he’s made: “Imagine the progress when working on something for three years straight!”

Moviegoer: A Passion Project with Real-World Implications

Moviegoer’s purpose is to equip computers with the ability to understand human emotion by feeding them a vast dataset of movies. “Cinema contains an enormous amount of emotional data, waiting to be unlocked,” Tim argues. “They’re a document of how we have conversations, how we live, and how we interact with one another.”  By analyzing movies, Moviegoer can create a comprehensive library of human behavior, providing invaluable data for training AI systems.

Tim’s dedication to Moviegoer underscores his commitment to innovation and his belief in the power of data science to make a positive impact. “Today, the world is alight with buzz about artificial intelligence,” he says. “I’m glad I learned the skills I needed to make this project and got a head-start on its creation – it’s more relevant than ever.”

To get a deeper understanding of Moviegoer’s capabilities, check out these resources:


Tim’s story is a testament to the transformative power of Flatiron School. By providing a rigorous curriculum and a supportive learning environment, Flatiron empowers individuals like Tim Lee to develop the skills and confidence to pursue their passions in the tech industry. Tim’s journey from project manager to data scientist building emotional AI is an inspiring example of what’s possible when ambition meets opportunity.

Inspired By Tim’s Story? Ready to take charge of your future? Apply Now to join other career changers like Tim Lee in a program that sets you apart from the competition.

Atticus Olmedo: International Affairs to Cybersecurity

Atticus Olmedo, a 2022 graduate of Flatiron School’s cybersecurity bootcamp, is a shining example of someone who took charge of their future and landed their dream job. Atticus’s path to cyber and national security is anything but ordinary, and his story is filled with valuable insights for anyone considering a career change in tech.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

“My interest in changing gears was simply getting my hands dirty and becoming more technically attuned with my computer and home lab. Covert and stealthy cyber threats that compromise US national security became a scary but invigorating topic to learn about, hence my decision to join the ranks of the world’s greatest Air Force,” Atticus reflected. 

“Prior to Flatiron I worked in every possible industry and job title,” says Atticus. This diverse background, spanning non-profit, government, and industrial sectors, speaks to Atticus’s curiosity and adaptability. However, a yearning for a more technical skillset grew stronger. Intrigued by the world of cybersecurity and its role in protecting national security, Atticus decided to make a switch.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Atticus’s decision to pursue a career in cybersecurity wasn’t solely driven by technical fascination. “Careers around US National Security are not to be taken lightly,” he reflects. Atticus highlights the importance of introspection and a strong commitment to public service. He added, “It also requires constant and maniacal attention to current affairs.” His international affairs background proved valuable, but Flatiron helped him confront his own biases and refine his critical thinking in the complex world of cyber threats.

“I was surprised how much personal biases and heuristics play a big role in deciding who, what, when, where, and why to develop and counter a cyber attack,” says Atticus. Flatiron’s curriculum equipped him to navigate this challenging landscape, while also revealing surprising gaps in his knowledge. “In the cyber intelligence world where I work, I was also surprised to learn how ahead and behind I was on all things considered about events in the corporate and intelligence world,” he shares. This realization further solidified his interest in the field and fueled his dedication to learning.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

Atticus’s journey wasn’t without its hurdles. As a self-described millennial, he found the introductory modules familiar. “I grew up on computers, early internet, and touchpad devices.” However, “the mid-modules that focused on coding and setting up complex network typologies hands-on were difficult,” he admits. Limited access to equipment presented an additional challenge, but the supportive Flatiron community provided a valuable safety net. “Having a shared community on Slack made learning from one another’s mistakes a fun and interactive bootcamp experience,” he reflects.

Today, Atticus Olmedo is proud to contribute his technical expertise and unwavering dedication to service in his role as an Active Duty Airman for the US Air Force. “I am proud of the invaluable skill I can bring to my unit whether it is technical, or theoretical, and my team’s willingness to sacrifice our comfort for the mission. My team consists of people from all over the world [and] all are committed to public service,” he says.

Flatiron Empowers Career Changers Like Atticus

Atticus’s story is a testament to the transformative power of Flatiron School. Flatiron’s immersive bootcamp provided him with the technical skills and foundational knowledge needed to thrive in the cybersecurity field.  More importantly, it fostered a spirit of self-discovery, critical thinking, and collaboration – all essential for success in today’s dynamic tech landscape.

Inspired by Atticus’s Story? Ready to take charge of your future? Apply Now to join other career changers like Atticus Olmedo in a program that sets you apart from the competition. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog.

Courtney Pimentel: Sales Associate to IT

Courtney Pimentel‘s story is one of ambition and transformation. Like many aspiring tech professionals, Courtney found herself drawn to the ever-evolving world of technology and its endless possibilities for growth. “[I wanted] to be a part of that environment,” Courtney says, reflecting on her decision to transition from a career as a Sales Associate at Nike to a challenging and rewarding path in cybersecurity engineering.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

Courtney’s interest in tech wasn’t entirely new. Already equipped with a foundational knowledge of cybersecurity fundamentals and Linux, she possessed a strong base to build upon. Recognizing the tech industry’s potential for innovation and advancement, Courtney made the bold decision to pursue a career change. “[I saw] the potential for growth,” she explains, highlighting the allure of a field constantly pushing boundaries.

However, transitioning into tech can be daunting. With the ever-growing demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals, it’s crucial to have the proper guidance and support. This is where Flatiron School entered Courtney’s journey. As a scholarship recipient for the Women Take Tech program, Courtney found the perfect environment to cultivate her technical skills and gain the confidence to thrive in the tech industry.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Flatiron School’s immersive bootcamp proved to be a turning point for Courtney. “The most surprising thing about my time at Flatiron was discovering how much I could learn and grow in such a short amount of time,” she reflects. The curriculum’s intensity pushed Courtney in unexpected ways, but she rose to the challenge, exceeding her own expectations. “The learning process challenged me in ways I never expected,” she admits, “and I was amazed at how quickly I was able to pick up new skills and concepts.”

Flatiron School fosters a culture of continuous learning, and Courtney thrived in this environment. The fast-paced nature of the program not only equipped her with technical expertise but also instilled a sense of perseverance and adaptability – valuable assets in any tech career.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

Today, Courtney is a testament to the transformative power of Flatiron School’s education and career services support. Together with her Career Coach, Andrea Towe, Courtney was able to execute an effective job search strategy to make her dreams a reality. 

Having landed a fulfilling job as an IT Assistant with The Quad Preparatory School in New York, she’s actively contributing her skills and insights to add value. “I’m most proud of working on big projects that deal with automation and different systems in the IT world,” she beams.

Courtney’s exposure to new technologies and concepts at Flatiron School ignited a desire for continuous learning. “The opportunities feel endless!” she exclaims, highlighting the vast potential for growth in her chosen field. This experience has solidified her decision to pursue a career in tech, and she’s eager to explore the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Courtney’s journey is an inspiration to anyone considering a career change in tech. It exemplifies the power of dedication, a thirst for knowledge, and the transformative environment offered by Flatiron School.

Inspired By Courtney’s Story? Ready to take charge of your future?

Apply Now to join other career changers like Courtney in a program that sets you apart from the competition. Flatiron School offers an immersive bootcamp designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in the tech industry. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog and see if a tech career is right for you.

Anslie Brant: From Nanny to Operations Analyst

Anslie Brant (she/they) is a recent Flatiron School graduate who just landed their dream job in the tech industry! Their story is one of determination, resilience, and the power of finding the right educational path. In this blog, we’ll follow Anslie’s journey, from their pre-Flatiron experience to their exciting new role in the tech world, all through their own words.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

Anslie, like many others, found themselves navigating the twists and turns of life’s path. “I was a computer science student at university,” she explained, but due to various circumstances, Anslie wasn’t able to finish their degree. This led to a period of working odd jobs, facing the insecurity that often comes with such positions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the desire for a tech career never faded. “I knew I still wanted to pursue software development [and the] tech field in general,” Anslie says. Finding stable work as a nanny provided the space to explore different options. Inspired by friends who had successfully transitioned into tech through bootcamps, Anslie began researching this route. She discovered a passion for full-stack development, a field that allows Anslie to “combine my creative side and analytical side to be a well-rounded front- and back-end developer.”

Anslie’s story reflects a common thread among those drawn to tech careers: a lifelong fascination with technology. “I began playing video games early in life,” they share, “and this interest just never stopped.” Building their own PC for various purposes – work, education, and even streaming – solidified their desire to be part of the tech world.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Having had a taste of computer science in college, Anslie knew the traditional university route wasn’t the right fit. “I wanted to learn HOW to code and apply it,” they explain, “and in college, I hadn’t even gotten my hands on real-life applications yet.” Flatiron School offered a different approach, one that emphasized practical application and real-world skills.

Anslie’s journey at Flatiron School wasn’t without its challenges. However, their story highlights Flatiron’s focus on student success. Anslie reflects positively on the supportive Admissions experience and even received a scholarship. “The fact there was a scholarship option for Women in STEM as well as based on financial need was enticing,” they say.

Looking back, Anslie is most proud of simply graduating. “I was very disappointed in not finishing the traditional university route,” they confess. Flatiron provided the opportunity to overcome that disappointment and achieve their goals. “I was able to jump right in, gain real industry experience, and get my foot in the door of tech in a very tough state at the moment.”

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

With grit and determination, Anslie Brant landed a role as an Operations Analyst at TSYS Global Payments. “I am very proud to have landed a tech-adjacent role for a fintech company,” Anslie says. This new role offers not only amazing benefits and growth opportunities but also a significant increase in income.

The job search process wasn’t easy. It took four months of dedicated effort, “never stopping networking, cold messaging on LinkedIn, sending applications to all kinds of tech jobs, and practicing interview questions,” as Anslie describes it. Their perseverance paid off, and they landed a coveted position in a competitive industry.

The transformation is remarkable. “I went from being a nanny with past experience in food service, retail, and hospitality, with no corporate experience, to working a technical role in a fintech corporation,” Anslie reflects. They attribute their success not only to their own hard work but also to Flatiron School and Career Coach, Raffi Sarafian. “I was complimented on my etiquette and professionalism in my interviews which I can only attribute to my Coach and resources provided by Flatiron as I genuinely had not a clue!”


Anslie’s story is a testament to the power of finding the right educational path and the transformative potential of Flatiron School’s immersive bootcamp. 

Inspired by Anslie’s Story? Ready to take charge of your future?

Apply Now to join other career changers like Anslie Brant in a program that sets you apart from the competition. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog.

Kendall McNeil: From Project Management to Data Science

Inspired by the power of data and a yearning to explore a field that aligned perfectly with her strengths, Kendall McNeil, a Memphis, TN resident, embarked on a strenuous career journey with Flatiron School. In this blog, we’ll delve into Kendall’s story – from her pre-Flatiron experience to the challenges and triumphs she encountered during the program, and ultimately, her success in landing a coveted Data Scientist role.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

For eight years, Kendall thrived in the world of project management and research within the fields of under-resourced education and pediatric healthcare. Data played a crucial role in her work, informing her decisions and sparking a curiosity for Python’s potential to streamline processes. However, a passion for coding piqued her curiosity outside of work, compelling her to explore this field further.

“When I found Flatiron School, I was excited about the opportunity to level up my coding skills and gain a deeper understanding of machine learning and AI,” shared Kendall.

The scholarship opportunity she received proved to be a pivotal moment, encouraging her to strategically pause her career and fully immerse herself in Flatiron School’s Data Science program for four intensive months. This decision reflected not just a career shift, but a commitment to aligning her work with her true calling.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School? 

Flatiron School’s rigorous curriculum challenged Kendall in ways she didn’t anticipate. Yet, the supportive environment and exceptional instructors like David Elliott made a significant difference.

“Big shout out to my instructor, David Elliott,” expressed Kendall in appreciation. “Throughout my time in his course, he skillfully balanced having incredibly high standards for us, while remaining approachable and accessible.”

Beyond the initial surprise of just how much she loved learning about data science, Kendall was particularly impressed by the program’s structure. The curriculum’s fast pace, coupled with the ability to apply complex concepts to hands-on projects, allowed her to build a strong portfolio that would become instrumental in her job search. The downloadable course materials also proved to be a valuable resource, something she continues to reference in her current role.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career? 

Looking back at her Flatiron experience, Kendall highlights her capstone project as a source of immense pride. The project involved creating an AI model designed to detect up to 14 lung abnormalities in chest X-rays. This innovation has the potential to address a critical challenge in healthcare – the high rate (20-30%) of false negatives in chest X-ray diagnoses.

“The model, still a work in progress, boasts an 85% accuracy rate and aims to become a crucial ally for healthcare providers, offering a second opinion on these intricate images by identifying subtle patterns that may be harder to detect with the human eye,” explained Kendall.

However, her pride extends beyond the technical aspects of the project. By leveraging Streamlit, Kendall successfully deployed the model onto a user-friendly website, making it accessible to the everyday user. This focus on accessibility aligns with her core belief in the importance of making complex data and research readily available.

Within just six weeks of completing the program, she received multiple job offers – a testament to the skills and foundation she acquired at Flatiron School. With support from her Career Coach, Sandra Manley, Kendall navigated the interview process with ease. Currently, Kendall thrives in her new role as a Data Scientist at City Leadership. She’s recently embarked on a “data listening tour” to understand the organization’s data needs and explore possibilities for future innovation.

“It has been a joy and, again, I really feel that I have discovered the work I was made for!” concluded Kendall.

Kendall invites you to follow her journey on social media: GitHub Portfolio | Blog | LinkedIn

Summary: Unleashing Your Potential at Flatiron School

Kendall’s story is a shining example of how Flatiron School empowers individuals to pursue their passions and embark on fulfilling tech careers. The program’s immersive curriculum, coupled with exceptional instructors and a focus on practical application, equips students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the data science field.

Inspired by Kendall’s story? Ready to take charge of your future and embark on your own transformative journey?

Apply Now to join Flatiron School’s Data Science program and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. You could be the next success story we celebrate! And for even more inspiring stories about career changers like Kendall, visit the Flatiron School blog.

Life After Graduation From a Product Design Bootcamp

So what’s it really like to graduate from a product design bootcamp? Can a bootcamp really provide the skills necessary to land a job as a junior designer?

The answer is yes—absolutely —provided you’re aware that your hardest work begins the day you graduate.

Completing a product design bootcamp is an achievement surely worth celebrating. But know this: the grads currently succeeding weren’t simply handed a job on their last day of school. Getting their foot in the door took a lot of hustle: networking, refining portfolios, and completing new projects. 

We spoke to Flatiron School alumni about how they used their time between graduation and landing a design industry job.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

In her Medium article “Your Portfolio is Freaking Boring,” Melody Koh cautions against generic-sounding welcome statements like I am a junior UX designer passionate about solving problems. If your bio sounds like it could describe almost any junior designer, you’ll find it difficult to distinguish yourself.

Alexandra’s Value Proposition Story

One way to define your unique value proposition is to to connect your pre-bootcamp experience to your new UX knowledge. Flatiron graduate Alexandra Grochowski came from a background in the banking industry. After graduation, she began blogging on Medium about the overlap between UX design and finance. One of her posts caught the attention of the marketing director of Amount, a banking software platform. Alexandra started writing for Amount’s blog, which eventually led to a full-time position as a product designer.

Design graduates are sometimes reluctant to highlight their non-design experience in their promotional materials, but this is a missed opportunity. By blogging her insights about the intersection of design and banking, Alexandra established herself as not just another junior design candidate, but instead, a unique voice with a specifically marketable set of skills.

Revise Your Portfolio Thoughtfully

A common mistake among recent product design bootcamp grads is to wait to apply for jobs until their portfolios are perfect. But here’s the thing:

Perfect design portfolios don’t exist.

Since there’s always room for improvement, take a Lean UX approach to developing your portfolio. Revise until it’s complete enough to receive meaningful feedback from industry contacts and mentors. Use the advice you’ve gathered to make improvements. And in the meantime, keep applying for jobs.

Crystal’s Portfolio Revision Story

Flatiron grad Crystal Ma credits her mentor, a designer at a large Chicago marketing technology company, with providing actionable feedback on her portfolio. Recalling her mentor’s advice that hiring managers may spend five minutes or less reviewing each portfolio, Crystal heavily edited her case studies, using block quotes to call out main points and reducing the amount of text in favor of eye-catching visual assets. She also worked to improve her case study storytelling, removing lengthy design process descriptions and instead highlighted moments of discovery that demonstrate the true value of a design project.

Crystal also emphasized a learning moment from early in the interviewing process: “I didn’t realize that for portfolio presentations, it’s typical to use a slide deck. I used to just open up my website and scroll through it. Do not do this. Go and make a simple slide deck in Figma.”

Find Real Stakeholders

Many product design bootcamps don’t require you to work on actual client projects prior to graduation. And in a way, this makes sense. The typical bootcamp experience involves a quick immersion in the principles of UX research, UX design, and UI design. This is followed by projects that provide an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge. The short timelines of these projects don’t always allow students enough time to gather and apply feedback from stakeholders.

However, design projects without stakeholders are less likely to impress hiring managers. These rapidly executed assignments allow students to demonstrate their ability to satisfy target users of a product or service. But what about balancing user goals with business needs?

Working with real stakeholders also frequently involves respecting constraints, such as budget limitations or technology requirements, that are hard to replicate in the classroom. You’ll also find that working with actual stakeholders is a great way to practice your communication skills and build connections that can lead to future job opportunities.

Laurel’s Stakeholder Story: Working With a Non-Profit

For her final student project, Flatiron grad Laurel Klafehn worked with the Immigrant Freedom Fund, a non-profit organization advocating for the end of cash bail that pays immigration bonds for people detained in Aurora, Colorado. Laurel’s client provided tangible, real-world goals—including reworking the organization’s digital presence—to attract more donations from community members, as well as allowing people advocating for their detained loved ones to request help. 

Just as importantly, Laurel learned to work within the project’s constraints, including a limited budget, providing support for users who speak languages other than English, and the need to help families navigate a civil detention system that is intimidating and unclear. Laurel has continued working with the Immigrant Freedom Fund after graduation, demonstrating a high level of commitment and an alignment between her design work and her personal values.

Nonprofit organizations like the Immigrant Freedom Fund can be a useful and rewarding source of real stakeholder work after graduation. To find nonprofit opportunities, try reaching out to your LinkedIn network. Or, search Google for design volunteer opportunities in [your location]. You might also check out some of the websites aimed at connecting volunteers with organizations in need. While a few websites such as UX Rescue are aimed specifically at helping designers make an impact, most offer a more general collection of volunteering opportunities.

Tara’s Stakeholder Story: Leveraging Family and Friends

In addition to partnering with nonprofits, some graduates have used their existing network of family and friends creatively to help them find opportunities to create client work. Flatiron graduate Taras Sarvas graduated from Flatiron shortly before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a moment of high uncertainty where design projects were difficult to find. Taras used this time to design an e-commerce website for San-Tech, a plumbing fixture retail chain located in Ukraine and run by Taras’s father.

Source: Taras Sarvas
Source: Taras Sarvas

Taras also credits part of the success of his job search to letting his personality shine through in his portfolio. Recruiters and hiring managers view dozens of portfolios in a single sitting, so a list of technical abilities alone won’t grab their attention. Taras recalls hearing “multiple times from hiring managers that my portfolio is memorable because I have a silly waving .gif of me on my landing page.”

Network, Network, Network

It’s no secret that networking is essential to developing your career and discovering job opportunities. In fact, after graduating from a product design bootcamp, you’ll need to spend just as much time networking using LinkedIn as you do revising your portfolio, completing new projects, and filling out applications. Especially since having someone in your network refer you for a position is far more productive than filling out online applications at companies where you’ve made no connections.

One common networking mistake is concentrating only on people in a position to offer you a job. Being referred to an open position can be a bonus effect of networking, but the true goal is to build meaningful relationships within the industry, and to learn from other people’s experiences. Establishing industry contacts has tremendous value even when it doesn’t immediately result in a job lead.

Max’s Networking Story

Flatiron grad Max Shakun connected with as many people as he could after finishing the program, including recruiters and hiring managers, junior designers with less than a year’s experience, and more senior professionals. 

Max notes recruiters and hiring managers frequently stated a preference for real-world projects as opposed to school work, which emphasizes our earlier point about the importance of working with real stakeholders. In fact, reaching out to his existing network (including non-designers) led Max to his first client project, participating in a redesign of the non-profit Symphony New Hampshire website with an emphasis on WCAG accessibility compliance.

Source: Max Shakun
Source: Max Shakun

As Max looked for jobs, he learned from the missteps and eventual successes of junior designers who were six months to a year ahead of him in their career path. And as for senior designers, Max found them a valuable source of design mentorship:

“I have found the UX/UI community to be incredibly supportive, and so many senior designers are happy to answer questions you may have about the field and your portfolio. I think the support system likely comes from the built in iterative nature of product design. We all value and appreciate honest feedback!”

Is Product Design Right For You?

If the experiences and portfolios of design professionals like Alexandra, Taras, Crystal, Laurel, and Max have you feeling inspired, consider applying to Flatiron School’s Product Design Bootcamp. You’ll learn the design skills needed to build a competitive portfolio and land your first job in the product design industry.

Not sure if you’re ready to apply? Download the syllabus to learn more about the skills you can acquire in our bootcamp. Or, check out our free Product Design Prep Work to explore the material we teach in the course.

And if you are curious about what students learn during their time at Flatiron, attend our Final Project Showcase.

Amelia Freeman: From History Major to Software Engineer

The path Amelia Freeman took to software engineering was anything but linear. Her career pursuit was driven by a persistent curiosity and a desire to create. After studying history and working in recruitment, she found herself drawn to the world of code. Inspired by a coding class in college, she decided to make a bold career change and enrolled in Flatiron School’s immersive Software Engineering program.

Before Flatiron

Amelia’s experience in recruiting equipped her with valuable communication and interpersonal skills, but she yearned for a more technical and independent career. “I wanted to do something that involved less talking to people and more working with code,” she shared. Living in Germany for a year and a half solidified her desire for a change, and she saw Flatiron School as the perfect launchpad for her software engineering aspirations.

During Flatiron

The program’s intensity surprised Amelia, but she met the challenge head-on. “The days were long, and the work was challenging,” she admits, “but I just continued to work and work, and in the end, I felt very accomplished with what I had learned and the work I had done.” This perseverance, a core value at Flatiron School, is what helped Amelia push through any obstacles she encountered during the program and emerge on the other side as a confident developer.

After Flatiron

Amelia’s dedication paid off. After 68 days, she landed her dream job as a Junior Consultant at Agineo in Germany, fulfilling her desire to work in the country she once explored. “I am most proud of my new job in Germany,” she beams. “It was a dream to work in Germany, and I’m proud I made it happen!”

Ready For A Change, Just Like Amelia Freeman?

Apply Now to join other career changers like Amelia in a Software Engineering program that sets you apart from the competition. 

Flatiron School’s immersive programs can equip you with the skills and confidence to pursue your tech dreams, no matter your background. Join a supportive community of learners and instructors, and unleash your potential to thrive in the tech industry. 

Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog.

Troy Hendrickson: From Sales to Stats Auditor for the NBA

Driven by a passion for sports and a desire to leverage data for deeper insights, Troy Hendrickson attended Flatiron School’s Data Science bootcamp in the hopes of joining his dream industry – professional sports. Read his inspiring story of transformation from coach and salesperson to Stats Auditor at the National Basketball Association (NBA)!

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

Troy’s background in sports management and sales success hinted at his potential in the data-driven world of sports analytics. However, the lack of technical skills held him back from his dream career. “I knew data science could one day lead me to work for a sports franchise,” he says, “and sales wasn’t my passion.”

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Flatiron wasn’t just about learning new skills; it was about self-discovery. “I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the learning process,” Troy admits. The supportive community and emphasis on practical application fueled his drive. “Flatiron’s values aligned perfectly with mine,” he says, highlighting the school’s focus on grit and a growth mindset.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

After 277 days of dedicated job search, Troy landed his dream role at the NBA. His journey wasn’t without challenges. “Initially, I applied too often,” he reflects. But by strategically leveraging his network and continuously learning, he landed interviews and impressed hiring managers with his data-driven insights and passion for sports. “My NBA Prediction Capstone project was a clincher,” he reveals, showcasing the power of project-based learning at Flatiron.

Inspired by Troy’s story?

Flatiron School can equip you with the skills and confidence to pursue your tech dreams, no matter your background. Join a supportive community of learners and experienced instructors, and step outside your comfort zone like Troy. The future of tech awaits you!

Ready to take charge of your future? Apply Now to join other career changers like Troy in a program that sets you apart from the competition. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog.

Andrew Smit: Band Director to Software Engineer

Imagine the vibrant hum of a bustling classroom filled with instruments and eager young musicians. Now, picture the quiet focus of a coding desk, lines of code weaving digital symphonies. This is the remarkable journey of a former band director who found his rhythm in the world of software development thanks to Flatiron School.

Andrew Smit, a 2023 Software Engineering graduate from Flatiron School, is a dedicated individual with a passion for teaching music and a commitment to lifelong learning. After nine years as a public school music educator, Andrew embarked on a transformative journey at Flatiron School and successfully transitioned into a fulfilling career in Software Engineering. Let’s dive into Andrew’s story as he reflects on his motivations, challenges, and triumphs.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

Andrew Smit spent nearly a decade as a dedicated band director, shaping young musical minds. “I was teaching 6-12 graders percussion, directing the high school drumline, and contributing to the team of band directors to help prepare concerts and teach music performance and literacy,” Andrew shared.

While passionate about teaching and music, Andrew sought a career change that could offer “more upward mobility for long-term growth, more time at home with my family, and new challenges.” The desire to leverage his existing skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and working collaboratively with others led Andrew to the world of software development.

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

“You have to trust the process,” Andrew said, reflecting on his time at Flatiron School. Andrew underscores the significance of consistent effort, stating, “a little bit every day goes a long way, and before you know it, those little instances add up to something big.” 

From a technical standpoint, Andrew recalls being taken aback by the similarities across programming languages. “It’s surprisingly easy to pick up new languages if you focus on building a solid foundation.” The emphasis on foundational knowledge at Flatiron School laid the groundwork for a successful foray into the tech landscape.

Andrew graduated in June 2023, jumping into the job search while maintaining his attitude to hard work – that a little bit each day gets you to where you want to be. This philosophy, paired with the support of his dedicated Career Coach Peggy Osbourn, paid off. He landed his first role as a Web Developer at Square 205 and hasn’t looked back.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

Post-Flatiron School, Andrew is putting his new development skills to use for a good cause, volunteering at Presto Assistant and contributing to a production-level codebase with other skilled developers – an achievement that he is particularly proud of. 

Andrew highlights the impact of this experience: “This not only gave me the ability to look at certain features, landing pages, and functionality and be able to say ‘I did that! I helped build that!,’ but it also gave me the confidence and skills to be more competitive in job interviews.” The tangible contributions made to his community stand as a testament to the practical skills he acquired at Flatiron School.

A Harmonious Future with Flatiron School

Andrew’s journey encapsulates the essence of growth, adaptability, and success. If Andrew’s story resonates with you, if the prospect of transforming your career harmonizes with your aspirations, it’s time to take charge!

Ready to compose your own success story?

Apply now to join other career changers like Andrew Smit at Flatiron School—a program that not only equips you with technical skills but fosters a community of growth, collaboration, and support. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog, where each narrative is a note in the symphony of possibilities that await you.

Katie Behrmann: Educator to Engineer

Imagine the thrill of igniting young minds with the wonders of STEM, and then seamlessly transitioning to building and supporting the very technology that fuels that excitement. That was Katie Behrmann’s trajectory, a former STEM educator who, after Flatiron School, transformed her passion for teaching into a fulfilling career in software engineering. Her story echoes a familiar melody for many – the burnout of the education system and the lure of impactful problem-solving in the tech world.

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, Katie’s path from a dedicated STEM educator to a thriving tech professional is a tale of determination, passion, and growth.

Before Flatiron: What were you doing and why did you decide to switch gears?

Before her foray into the world of tech, Katie was an upper elementary/middle school STEM teacher, imparting foundational coding and robotics skills to her students. The spark to switch gears ignited during the pandemic when Katie transitioned to a Customer Support Specialist role at an EdTech startup. 

As she assisted users on the platform, she realized the potential of her technical skills in solving coding-related issues. This realization fueled her desire to deepen her knowledge of programming languages and computer science, ultimately leading her to pursue a career change. In her words, “I loved using my technical knowledge and skills to help users and knew that I could further those skills.”

During Flatiron: What surprised you most about yourself and the learning process during your time at Flatiron School?

Initially, Katie entered Flatiron School with concerns about balancing an educational endeavor alongside her full-time job. “I was worried about taking on another type of extra-curricular schooling outside of my full-time job,” she said “When I was a teacher, I was in a part-time grad school program that made me miserable.” However, the experience turned out to be a stark contrast to her past negative encounters with part-time programs. 

During her time in the program, Katie discovered a newfound excitement to learn, eagerly tackling coding challenges and expressing her creativity. “I was always excited at the end of my work day to solve coding challenges, build with code, and get creative,” Katie reflected. “I found the software engineering curriculum to be surprisingly fun and extremely well-structured.”

An unexpected revelation was finding herself thinking and dreaming in code—a testament to the immersive and engaging learning environment.

After Flatiron: What are you most proud of in your new tech career?

Post-graduation, Katie accepted a Technical Support Engineer role at Samsara and seamlessly translated her newfound skills into tangible contributions. “I was able to use my skills as predicted–not only in helping our users debug issues, but I was able to push feature changes to my company’s code [that] solved problems that many of our users had been contacting us about for years.”

Katie’s impact extended beyond her initial role as she navigated toward a higher-paying job and earned a more senior title at Samsara. This career journey is a testament to her dedication and the practical skills acquired during her time at Flatiron School.

A Call to Aspiring Tech Enthusiasts

Katie’s transformation from Educator to Engineer exemplifies the boundless possibilities that unfold with the right education, determination, and support system. If Katie’s story resonates with you, if the idea of shifting from education to a dynamic tech career ignites a spark within, then it’s time to make a change.

Ready to take charge of your future?

Apply Now to join other career changers like Katie in a program that sets you apart from the competition. Read more stories about successful career changes on the Flatiron School blog, where each narrative is a testament to the transformative journey awaiting you in software engineering, cybersecurity, data science, or product design. Your coding odyssey begins with a single click—take it and let Flatiron School be your guiding star.