Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
20 Reasons You Tell Yourself It’s Not Time to Learn to Code, and Why They’re Not True
A new year, a new chance to get something done. There are so many reasons why you didn’t learn to code in 2018 — and we get that. It happens! Life comes at you fast, after all. Your ambition early in the year can slowly fade as new priorities need your undivided attention. But, it’s […]

Flatiron School
5 Reasons to Change — and Learn to Code — in 2019
It’s the new year, which means a fresh slate to change things. What do you want most from 2019? Maybe it’s to be happier, or a way to earn more. Maybe it’s the opportunity to learn new skills or find a community that you can call your own. Whatever you want to do, this year […]

The Job Placement Rate for Our First D.C. Cohort Just Came In and We Couldn’t Be More Proud
At Flatiron School, our mission is to enable the pursuit of a better life through education. Through our outcomes reports and the incredible Career Services team we've developed, students can see our unwavering commitment to everyone who steps through our doors. Flatiron School succeeds when you succeed, which is why we’re proud to announce that […]

Alumni Stories
From Copywriter to Design Researcher at Walgreens — How One Alum Used Design to Connect to People
She was a life sciences copywriter for two years and growing unsatisfied in her role.

Software Engineering
Avi Flombaum and Karlie Kloss Share Advice on Learning To Code
We’re excited to participate in the CS Ed Week to raise awareness about the power of code and computer science. There are so many great reasons to learn code and we’re not the only ones who feel that way. Karlie Kloss understands the transformative power of code through her own learning experience and through her […]

Flatiron School Announces UX/UI Design Immersive In NYC
Flatiron School pioneered our coding bootcamp with the launch of our first campus in Manhattan in 2012. We’ve since gone on to launch campuses across the US and London, along with an Immersive Data Science Bootcamp, since being acquired by WeWork in 2017. Now, we’re proud to continue to redefine tech education with the launch […]

Career Advice
What Does Amazon HQ2 Mean for Washington, D.C’s Tech Scene?
Amazon is coming to National Landing in Northern Virginia. Easily accessible via the Metro and car, Amazon HQ2 will transform the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with 25,000 direct jobs over 12 years and countless other jobs indirectly. Amazon’s announcement is also great news for the city’s tech sector. We already know a lot about Amazon’s […]
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