Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
Fabien Cartal: Sales to Product Design
“I love Product Design. I feel incredibly lucky to have pursued this field and it was what I had hoped for.”

Alumni Stories
Roger Brown: Amazon Career Choice 2021
Roger Brown joined the Amazon Career Choice program in 2021. Fast-forward a few years and he's now thriving in Cybersecurity.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence vs. Data Science
Have new innovations in AI left you scratching your head? Here's our guide to understanding Artificial Intelligence vs. Data Science.

Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?
If you've ever wondered "what is artificial intelligence?" or googled "was Skynet AI?", this article is here to answer your questions.

Career Advice
Immersive Learning: Lost in Coding
The immersive learning process in a bootcamp format can be scary at first. Here is what you can expect and how to succeed in the first few weeks of learning.

Diversity In Tech
Pride in Tech 2023 Panel Discussion
Join us for Flatiron School's Pride In Tech 2023 Panel Discussion on a screen near you Wednesday, June 28th at 1pm EST.

Career Advice
From Stuck To Unstoppable: How To Stay Inspired During A Long Job Search
Learning how to stay inspired during a long job search is key to maintaining motivation and ultimately landing an opportunity.
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