Flatiron School Blog

Career Advice
Version Control With GitHub: A Guide
Version control with GitHub keeps track of each change that is made to the code in a project, allowing you to revert without losing work.

Career Advice
The Importance of Weak Ties in the Job Search
It may seem counter-intuitive, but weak ties (loose, distant relationships), are more likely to deliver employment opportunities than strong ties.

Tech Trends
Data Science vs. Software Engineering: Industry Trends and Future Predictions
Here are our predictions about future trends in data science vs software engineering and how both will shape the tech industry.

Career Advice
How To Avoid 6 Common Job Search Scams
Job search scams are on the rise in both quantity and complexity. Here are 6 common scams and how to avoid them in your search!

Software Engineering
How to Become a Software Engineer Without a Degree
Want to explore a career in software engineering? Read our guide on how to become a software engineer without a degree—no college required.

Alumni Stories
Tyson Mills: Firefighter to Software Engineer
“Working as a software engineer has been a dream come true. I love constantly learning and growing, and I find the work incredibly rewarding."

Software Engineering
Is JavaScript Hard to Learn? Everything to Know About the Most Popular Programming Language
While JavaScript isn’t necessarily as difficult to learn as you may have heard, it may take some time to get up to speed. Read this article for an overview of what you need to learn.
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