Flatiron School Blog

Career Advice
Re-Entering the Workforce After a Career Break
Re-entering the workforce after an extended career break can be scary, but with Career Coach Andrea Towe's tips, you'll be back in a new job in no time!

Career Advice
How to Rebound from Rejections During the Job Search
Learning how to rebound from rejections during the job search is key to staying motivated and moving forward. Here are Career Coach Julie Allen's tips for bouncing back.

Alumni Stories
Zachary Greenberg: Musician To Data Scientist
“It’s crazy for me to think about where I am now from where I started. It may be a little cliche, but it is that hard work pays off.”

Data Science
March Madness Results: The Tale of A Busted Bracket
With the release of the official March Madness Results, our Flatiron School Machine Learning bracket was busted. Here's how it happened.

UX / UI Product Design
UX / UI Product Design Job Titles & Salaries In 2023
Over the past few years the job market has experienced an increase in demand for Product Designers.

Alumni Stories
Tyler Luckewicz: Amazon Career Choice 2021
Tyler Luckewicz began his career with a degree in business IT before an opportunity while working at Amazon led him to tech.

Tech Trends
Earth Day: How Tech Can Fight Climate Change and Improve Sustainability
To celebrate Earth Day, here are a few ways technology is helping to make the world a better place — both for today and tomorrow.
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