Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Thank you, NYC
We are thrilled that The New York Times chatted with recent alum Jahmil Eady about her experience with the NYC Web Development Fellowship. The program is incredibly special to us, and it’s awesome to comb through tweets to see Jahmil’s story excite and inspire people—mostly because of how deeply it excites and inspires us. The […]

Flatiron School
Project Recap: GemifyJS
Sunwoo and Wontae both picked up programming to make their respective workplaces more efficient with code. They’ve only recently graduated from Flatiron’s full-time Ruby course, but they’re already able to save other programmers a lot of time, too. As students, they built a development tool called GemifyJS to help developers create and manage Rails gems. […]

Flatiron School
Orange is the new Hash
Reblogged from Ruby 005 student Liz Baillie During my first two weeks at the Flatiron School, I was inundated with information. I spent so much time coding and learning about code that I actually started to dream about it. One night, I went to bed after watching one of the new episodes of Orange is […]

Flatiron School
Alums Win LOLs at Comedy Hack Day
If Flatiron School alums weren’t as funny as they are super-talented, we wouldn’t see them hanging around hilarious coding events with armfuls of trophies. But, hey, guess what they did last weekend. They won Comedy Hack Day. All images from comedyhackday.org Grand Prize Ruby 004 alum Daniel Fenjves teamed up with fellow devs Dustin Nelson […]

Flatiron School
Project Recap: Heat Seek NYC
Four months ago, Tristan Siegel was an aspiring archeologist and William Jeffries was an accountant. Fresh out of Flatiron School’s Web Development course, they’re already out to make something that matters. They started building Heat Seek NYC to help address the need for livable heating in NYC’s lowest-income apartments. As they learned, Landlords can lower […]

Flatiron School
Events @Flatiron
We’re really lucky to be able to host and attend a lot of events with the NYC programming community almost every day. Last week was no exception. We co-hosted a pretty huge Dev Stackup with Charlie O’Donnell, and grads from our most recent class got to share what they’ve been up to with NY Tech […]

Flatiron School
How did we get into this mess?
This is a guest post by Dinshaw Gobhai of Constant Contact based on a talk he gave on campus To a developer, operations can seem overwhelming, mysterious, and sometimes just boring. ‘DevOps’ is everywhere, but what people are referring to? Is it tools? Is it culture? Is it something one can learn? The answer is […]
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