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Flatiron School + Fog Creek

Posted by Flatiron School on July 21, 2014

Sweet! Today is the day we get to tell you about the new Fog Creek Fellowship.

We’re so excited to announce our brand new partnership with Fog Creek Software—creators of Trello, FogBugz, and Kiln. As part of a two-month fellowship program, Fog Creek will host and mentor a select group of freshly-graduated Flatiron women. Paired with a Fog Creek engineer, Fellows will get to spend their time honing their new skills with dedicated pair programming and full access to all of Fog Creek’s resources. Together, we hope to help awesome Flatiron School women land programming jobs they love.

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Fellows will be spending time at Fog Creek’s offices in the Financial District.

Develop Great Talent

The Fellowship will give great talent a place to grow. Fellows will spend two months hanging out with Fog Creek’s team and participating in a structured mentorship and job training program. They’ll get interviewing practice and resume reviews with top-tier tech recruiters, a chat with the company’s founders Joel and Michael, and of course, a designated Fog Creek mentor.

Mentors will join Fellows for a weekly 1:1 lunch, a mock coding interview, a bi-weekly pair-programming session and more. In the end, Fellows will become even more talented programmers, bolstered by long-lasting relationships with both their mentors and with Fog Creek.

Encourage Amazing Women

Programs like our NYC Web Development Fellowship allow women to start closing a massive skills-gap in tech. Fog Creek’s Fellowship will pick up where we’ve left off and provide women who have just learned a new skill-set and are eager to kick off their careers in tech with the tools they need to get their first programing job.

We know how great the women who come to Flatiron School are. Unfortunately they are sorely underrepresented industry-wide—including at Fog Creek, where in the last six months just 14% of technical applicants were women. With the Fog Creek Fellowship, we hope to encourage even more great women to start programming, grow into senior positions, enrich the tech industry, and excite future generations of female programmers. Our goal is to ultimately see these efforts reflected in a higher percentage of women in applicant pools at Fog Creek and across the tech industry.

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Our alums are great—we know they’ll help inspire even more women to start programming.

Why Fog Creek

We spend a whole lot of time making sure our grads get the best first impression of the tech industry possible. We want them to love their new gigs, and we’re pretty sure they’re going to love spending time at Fog Creek. They’ll get to experience what it’s like to work at a company built by developers for developers. They’ll also get to immerse themselves in a company culture that really values their people—so much so that every developer gets a sustainable workload and a private office.

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Fog Creek’s culture in action

Fog Creek’s focus on people and collaborative learning has so far helped them attract some of the smartest folks around (their acceptance rate for full-time developers is .4%). We could not be more excited that Fog Creek’s exceptional people are donating their time to mentor and support our incredibly talented women—and encouraging even more to apply.

Expect more announcements in the coming days and weeks on the official program page. In the meantime, if your company would like to get involved and mentor Flatiron grads, get in touch.

We can’t wait to start making it happen!

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