Software Engineering

Software Engineering
How Hard are Coding Bootcamps?
Thinking about a coding bootcamp, but wondering what you're up against? This article details how hard you should expect it to be.

Software Engineering
Flatiron School Celebrates Women Making History NOW in Software Engineering
But at Flatiron School, we’re breaking the bias. These are the stories of our Flatiron School instructors who are innovating both in their own work and how they lead our students. They are making history in tech NOW.

Diversity In Tech
Flatiron School Celebrates Black History in Software Engineering
These brave individuals overcame the inequality of the software engineering industry at that time and paved the way for more diversity in tech.

Software Engineering
Are Coding Bootcamps Worth It? Everything You Should Know
Code bootcamps are intense, immersive programs that teach people to become web developers, data scientists, and more. We look at the benefits of attending one.

Flatiron School
Tech dominates top 10 jobs of 2022, according to Glassdoor
Glassdoor released its list of best jobs of 2022, and tech roles dominate the top 10 list.

Software Engineering
Will I Get a Job After Coding Bootcamp?
There’s an urgent need for more qualified coders. According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, until 2029 there will be a 22% increase in employment for software developers.

Software Engineering
How to Learn JavaScript for Free
Learning any programming language can be challenging, and JavaScript isn’t an exception. Check out this list of resources for how to learn JavaScript for free.
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