Student Reviews
You’re never going to be in a more nurturing, supportive environment that is just a complete green field for you to learn and ask questions, and challenge and be challenged. It’s an incredible opportunity to focus and to level up in a way that you may never get again in your life, or in your career.
– Mike S., software engineering grad

Something that impressed me about Flatiron School was their emphasis on selecting social, awesome people — almost as a conscious effort to break and change the stereotype about developers being dry, quiet people who don’t like to socialize. Find empathetic, good people first — then make good developers out of them. When I came here, it was a roomful of people like that.
– Stephanie O., software engineering grad

I am not a STEM person, I came from an arts and humanities background and I found the Flatiron curriculum to be fun (and often very challenging) but always instructive. The instructors were always available to answer my questions and point me in the right direction.
-Nicholas D., software engineering grad

My favorite part is the community. Even though it’s likely you will never meet other students in your cohort (though there are several meetups in big cities), everyone is extremely supportive of each other and no one feels like a stranger to me.
-Shana M., software engineering grad

The difference between Flatiron and other options out there is the culture. The teaching staff, the career coaches, and the guys who started the place showed us how to love code and somehow gave us the exact right tools in the exact right order to help us help ourselves… I don’t just have an education now. I have a career.
-Kristen O., software engineering grad