Career Advice

Career Advice
Version Control With GitHub: A Guide
Version control with GitHub keeps track of each change that is made to the code in a project, allowing you to revert without losing work.

Career Advice
The Importance of Weak Ties in the Job Search
It may seem counter-intuitive, but weak ties (loose, distant relationships), are more likely to deliver employment opportunities than strong ties.

Career Advice
How To Avoid 6 Common Job Search Scams
Job search scams are on the rise in both quantity and complexity. Here are 6 common scams and how to avoid them in your search!

Career Advice
Immersive Learning: Lost in Coding
The immersive learning process in a bootcamp format can be scary at first. Here is what you can expect and how to succeed in the first few weeks of learning.

Diversity In Tech
Pride in Tech 2023 Panel Discussion
Join us for Flatiron School's Pride In Tech 2023 Panel Discussion on a screen near you Wednesday, June 28th at 1pm EST.

Career Advice
From Stuck To Unstoppable: How To Stay Inspired During A Long Job Search
Learning how to stay inspired during a long job search is key to maintaining motivation and ultimately landing an opportunity.

Career Advice
How To Get The Most Out Of Student Advising
The Flatiron School Student Advising team is here to support our students through all of the ups and downs that come with pursuing a bootcamp.
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