Overcoming The Sophomore Slump

This article on Overcoming The Sophomore Slump is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

Traditionally, the “sophomore slump” is a (completely natural) phenomenon in the learning timeline where you experience some initial success followed by reduced effort for a period of time. This reduced effort shows as a slight regression towards your goal or against the mean. There are a number of factors that contribute to the sophomore slump, and just as many ways to overcome the internal battle for motivation. 

What Causes The Sophomore Slump?

In its totality, the sophomore slump often looks like burnout from a program or a process. Being overwhelmed can often lead to apathy in your work, making it more difficult to complete or even feel invested in tasks. A 2017 study by The University of New Mexico showed that, after an initial effort, it’s natural to want ease and comfort in your next steps. But when this is applied to a learning process, it can often snowball into habits that do not serve the greater purpose of why you started in the first place. 

Signs You May Be Experiencing Sophomore Slump

Of course, in a bootcamp “sophomore” does not always refer to your second phase. It can be after a few weeks, or months depending on the levels of burnout you’re experiencing, or even after the initial push and excitement has worn off. Learning isn’t linear, and motivation certainly isn’t either. It can be hard to tell if you’re fatigued from all the Zoom-ing, or if there’s something a bit more patterned happening. 

Here are some habits and behaviors that may indicate this pattern: 

  • skipping or being late to classes
  • zoning out or not paying attention
  • waiting until the last minute to start or finish assignments 
  • feeling overwhelmed by your work 
  • procrastinating or deprioritizing your program
  • “giving up” on assignments or concepts
  • feeling disconnected from your cohort or instructor

If you happen to notice one or two of these behaviors in your own life, there’s no need to panic. As stated earlier, this is completely understandable and I’d caution to say a “normal” part of the learning process. Learning has more than one “curve”, so the most helpful steps you can take to alleviate falling behind in this manner is to first, acknowledge that you’re dealing with one of these dips in the curve. 

At this “sophomore” point, midway through your program, things may seem most difficult or disconnected from each other. This is also the point that usually comes right before the big “aha” or “putting it all together” phase of programmatic learning. The most important thing you can do is to see it through. There are ways of getting out of thinking it is too difficult to succeed, or that you’ve fallen too far behind, or that you’re not motivated enough to finish.

How To Overcome The Sophomore Slump

Thankfully, there are methods for becoming motivated and catching up.

Seek Support

The first step is to always reach out to your instructor, advisor and peers. It can take others checking in, or accountability meetings to get back on track. There is no shame or stigma in experiencing some setbacks in your journey. Sustaining motivation for prolonged periods of time in a goal-setting environment is never easy. Meeting with your instructor and advisor can give you the small, achievable, and measurable goals that you can attain to get the ball rolling again. These accountability meetings or check-ins can help you regain some self-efficacy and remind yourself that you are capable of completing difficult tasks.

Look Ahead

Another way to become re-engaged with your program is to look into career paths that flow from your program. Career Services has a myriad of resources available that can re-energize your efforts. Scroll through LinkedIn to see what projects are going on in your field that you can get excited about. Or, start looking at companies that share your passion and imagine what’s possible once you graduate. 

Community Involvement

Try getting involved with your community! We have some amazing people working hard to make sure you have a community of learners to help you out and engage with when you’re feeling a little behind. 

Discord can connect you with other students who are going through the same academic challenges you are. Try setting up a time to run through some code together, study, or pair up on a lab! This can be an incredibly validating experience. You’ll also review or learn new information in a different capacity, which can make it easier to remember. 

If you are on campus, there are many opportunities to engage with others who share interests. Reach out to your campus coordinator or check out the Community Calendar to see what’s going on near you! There are even Career Services AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions that can be helpful and motivating. 

Take A Bird’s Eye View

Think in the big picture. Why are you here? What motivated you to come to Flatiron in the first place? How will your life change once you have this graduation under your belt? Everyone comes to the table with a different perspective and set of learning skills and strengths. Make sure you hold onto yours and rediscover it if you need to. There will be times when you lose motivation, that is unavoidable. But, by taking small achievable steps, you can gain back the intrinsic drive you had to finish what you started. 

Battling exhaustion and apathy comes with so many major learning moments in life. Remember that you can do difficult things to unlock better opportunities for the rest of your life. 

About Sara McCown

Sara McCown is a Team Lead for Student Advising with Flatiron School. She has been on the Advising Team since its recent creation and has previous experience in public education and administration. In addition, she has over 12 years of experience in coaching students for success. She’s also an avid reader and always open to suggestions and discussions!


The Abstraction of Parameters

This article on the abstraction of parameters is part of the Content Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School staff members on topics ranging from program success to the job search. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during your program at Flatiron School.

While programming, you may want to have the same thing happen more than once but at separate times in the code. You can copy and paste the code from the first instance, but then you have repeating code throughout your project.  

While a practical solution, doing this adds many lines of code for you or others to parse through to find a bug should one occur. 

To help minimize code size, stick to DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code.  Using functions with parameters and arguments allow you to reuse that same code over and over without adding all the lines of code each time.

What is a parameter?

A parameter is kind of like a variable that belongs to a specific function. Just like a declared function waits to be invoked or used somewhere in the code, the parameter waits to be given a value. It just sits there in the function until it is utilized and given a value.  

When declaring a function you must also declare the parameter that is attached to it.  To declare the parameter all you need to do is give it a name in the parentheses of the function you have declared. The syntax looks something like this in JavaScript:

function myExample(myParameter){

return myParameter


When giving a parameter a name you can name it anything you want to (as long as it doesn’t repeat the name of another variable or function in the same scope). However, it is helpful to others reading your code (and as a reminder to yourself) if you give the parameter a name that represents the value it is given. 

For instance, if you have a function that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius, then the value you want the function to change will always be the Fahrenheit temperature. So, calling the parameter “Fahrenheit” would be ideal.

function convertToCelcius(fahrenheit){

return (fahrenheit – 32) * 5 / 9


In this case, the parameter called Fahrenheit will always represent the temperature to be converted to Celcius when the convertToCelcius function is invoked and given an argument.

What is an argument?

Functions exist in two states. 

The first state is the declaration, or architecture of code that will happen when the function is used. 

The second state is the invocation of the function. This is the signal that the code in the declaration of the function should go through its coded steps. The parameter exists in the declaration version of the function and the argument exists in the invocation of the function. The argument is the value that is given to the function and, thus, assigned to the parameter of the function. 

In the previous example, the argument would be provided for that function similarly to this:


This signifies to the code that the steps in the previous function example should go through its steps with the parameter (in this case called Fahrenheit) equal to 78. So, when you invoke the function like this, the code for that one time the function performs its steps is essentially the same as this: 

return (78 – 32) * 5 / 9

Notice that the parameter was replaced by the argument that was given to the invocation of the function. That’s because the parameter is essentially a stand-in for the argument that is passed in. This is what makes the function dynamic and reusable with different values.  

How Are Parameters and Arguments Linked?

The parameter of a function is like a container that can hold different things in it. Let’s say you have a favorite glass that you like to drink out of for every meal. On that glass, there is a label of ‘drink’. For breakfast, you have eggs and toast and your ‘drink’ glass you fill with orange juice. After breakfast, the ‘drink’ glass is empty so you can use it again for lunch (after rinsing of course). For lunch, you have a ham sandwich and fill your ‘drink’ glass with milk. Afterward, it is empty again and can be used for dinner and so on.

For each meal, the glass stays the same and always has the label ‘drink’. What changes is what the glass holds. If the meals represented a function, ‘drink’ would be a parameter in that function. Whatever it is filled with represents the argument for each meal (or the invocation of the meal function).

In Conclusion

Using parameters and arguments in your function allows you to reuse the code in the function for different purposes. This will keep your code sleek and minimize the lines you must trace back to find bugs in the code. It also shows employers that you can develop dynamic code for use in multiple places in an application.

About Joe Milius

Joe Miius is a Software Engineering Technical Coach at Flatiron School. He has previous teaching experience and has been helping Flatiron School students understand coding concepts for 2 years. He loves problem-solving and takes on each new problem or question a student presents with vigor and curiosity.

Professionalism vs. Authenticity

This article on Professionalism vs. Authenticity is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

Most of us are familiar with the Shakespearean quote, “To be or not to be, that is the question.”  When it comes to professionalism vs. authenticity some may ask ‘Should I choose to be professional or authentic?’ Many people feel it’s an either-or situation. But it’s possible to maintain being professional in your job search and work while embracing your true self, which will ultimately lead to more significant job opportunities, job satisfaction, and success.

Professionalism vs. Authenticity: Why Is It Important?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines being professional as “exhibiting a courteous, conscientious and generally business-like manner in your workplace.” Or to put it another way, being a professional means carrying yourself with courtesy, care, and business savvy. It’s about being considerate to others, showing diligence in your actions, and handling things with a touch of class.

Being professional builds credibility and trust among colleagues and clients, positioning you as a reliable person. By showcasing courteous and business-like behavior, you develop strong and meaningful relationships, which opens the way for successful networking, job opportunities, collaborations, and career growth. Moreover, maintaining a positive personal brand through professionalism sets you apart from the crowd, opening doors to opportunities and leaving a lasting impression on others.

At this point you may be thinking, I get it, it’s essential to be professional so I’ll “fake it” during the interview and carry that into my daily work. “Faking it” is tiring, being yourself is exhilarating. Own who you are in the interview process and carry that freedom to be yourself over into your work life (within reason, of course).

How To Blend Authenticity With Professionalism

It starts with knowing your values, strength, abilities, and personal brand.

Blending your true self with professionalism involves aligning your values, strengths, and abilities with the standards of your workplace, and finding a balance that reflects your authentic character. Embrace your unique personal brand as an asset, and show it confidently while adapting it to complement the professional environment, which will lead to your creating a powerful and genuine impression on others.

Adapt Your Communication Style

This involves tailoring your approach to resonate with different audiences, keeping in mind their preferences and needs. At the same time, add your unique personality, values, and perspectives into your interactions, creating an authentic and memorable impression that fosters real connections.

Dress With Style

Dressing to reflect your style involves selecting attire that fits your job search and workplace norms and expectations while adding subtle touches that showcase who you are. By blending professional clothing with elements that resonate with your unique taste, you show your confidence and authenticity, making a powerful statement that sets you apart stylishly and professionally.

Customize Branding Documents

Add your style to your personal branding documents by incorporating design elements, colors, or fonts that resonate with your identity. By doing so, you create a cohesive and authentic representation of yourself, leaving a lasting impression that catches your audience’s attention and sets your work apart with a touch of individuality.

Highlight Your Passions and Interests

Seek opportunities that align with your values and hobbies. Embracing your passions not only increases your motivation and enthusiasm but also allows you to bring unique perspectives and creativity to your professional opportunities, making your career journey fulfilling and rewarding.

Express Opinions Respectfully

Actively listen to others, consider their viewpoints, and communicate with empathy and open-mindedness. If you choose your words thoughtfully and focus on having a collaborative atmosphere, you create space for conversations that encourage understanding and healthy relationships.  

Professionalism + Self-Expression = Success

Finding the right balance between professionalism vs. authenticity is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities in your job search and workplace. Embracing your true self while upholding professional standards allows you to build credibility, trust, and meaningful relationships, leading to greater job opportunities, job satisfaction, and overall success. By being true to yourself and showcasing your unique qualities, you not only stand out from the crowd but also create a fulfilling and rewarding career journey that aligns with your passions and interests. So, let your authenticity shine as you navigate the professional landscape, and watch as your genuine approach moves you toward achievement and personal growth.

About Aimee Thompson

Aimee Thompson is an ICF Certified Coach with Flatiron School. Her background is in coaching, human resources, customer success, recruiting, and training and development. Her passion is partnering with her clients to help them thrive outside of their comfort zone and create a life they love.

Learning Styles: Shaking up your routine!

This article is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

It’s time to question the tried and true method of “hitting the books”. Finding out your learning style, and switching modalities up when you need to is a crucial piece of finding success as an adult learner. I know that when we were all in traditional school settings cramming until 2 AM, reading the same passages over and over, and making ornate flashcards were common paths to take for success. However, in a fast-paced setting like a bootcamp, those old study habits may no longer cut it.  If you’re struggling to get new material to really “stick”, then it’s time to try out a different style. 

What Are Learning Styles

There are a lot of different “types” or “styles” of learning. At the basis of learning is how you are absorbing information. So, try this. Think about a specific happy memory you have from childhood. How are you remembering that point in time? What is standing out? Is it the dialogue, can you see it like a movie, is it something that was written down, was it who you were with or what you were physically doing? What stands out most to you is a good indicator of how you’re absorbing information, and therefore how you learn. 

Consider the list below, and know that you are probably a mixture of several types, with a few more dominant than others. This is also a short list of some options, you can find more nuanced types if you dig a little deeper. The VARK questionnaire can help you delineate these nuances. 


Visual learners absorb what they see over what they hear or read. Most people are visual learners or have a strong affinity for visual learning. These folks can find schematics, sketches and diagrams, or watch videos or create visualizations to study broader concepts.


Auditory learners most effectively learn through listening. This is a language-based style, like verbal, but auditory learners best process information by listening, not just reading. Incorporating this into your studies could look like, listening to lectures multiple times, asking questions and engaging in dialogue with peers and instructors, making songs or rhymes for memorization, or finding videos of differing explanations of a concept. 


Kinesthetic or tactile learners are individuals who need to move or use tangible objects to absorb information. If you’ve ever found yourself tapping a pencil to focus, or chewing gum during a lecture, you might have a bit of this learning style. Incorporating kinesthetic learning into your day could look like hands-on practicing of concepts to make them malleable, walking while you listen to a lecture or video, or having something in your hands while you listen or read (I recall a professor passing out Play-Doh at one point to help out these students).


Verbal learners are, like auditory learners, language-based. However, these students gravitate toward reading and speaking. Students who learn primarily verbally perform best when reading and annotating, taking notes, repeating information back, or finding other ways to summarize. Often, these students find the Canvas coursework to be helpful and will revisit during code challenges or project times to re-read and review.


Social learners can be any and all of the above styles as well, but social learners simply learn better with others or in groups. These learners choose classroom learning and in-person so they can ask questions and create a dialogue for deeper meaning. 


On the other hand, solitary learners often absorb information and content best when they are by themselves. These are folks who also tend to need a more quiet and focused space to work, often retreating to libraries or quieter corners. 


Within these types, there are many different subcategories that are worth diving into if you find that you aren’t retaining information as well as you’d like in your current program. Between the Canvas work, lectures, paired programming, labs, and even Discord, the amount of resources can be overwhelming. This is why it’s important to experiment with your learning. If you find that what you’re doing isn’t working, look for a better way.

How To Implement Your Learning Styles

Try a few things! Here are some low stakes ways to experiment with the type of learner you may be now. 

  • Switch up your reading/lecture order to see how one informs the other in your live or campus classes. 
  • Find a podcast or a Youtube channel that can solidify some information that you’re just not picking up on in other settings. 
  • Reach out on Discord to partner with someone in an additional practice lab in Canvas. 
  • Explain a process to one of your peers, or have them explain it back to you to have that knowledge solidify. 
  • Switch up the times of day that you independently study. 
  • Find instructions for a visualization or build a model. 
  • Switch your readings to audio recordings. 
  • Reaching out to your advisor is also a great way to get some ideas about how to switch up your schedule to accommodate for these risks.

At Flatiron School, we want to expand your soft skills as well as teach you those content driven skills in your program. It’s crucial that you’re flexible enough in your learning and problem solving so you can adapt to any project or role you may be in once you land that job. Get creative in your projects while you’re working with your peers, and try something new. This might mean that you speak up more during your presentations, or take charge of a different section of the project you’re traditionally uncomfortable with. 

Example Of A Student Using Learning Styles

An advisee recently told me that they were experiencing a mental block with how to approach a new topic for their software engineering program. They found that they were stressing out more finding “the most efficient way to approach it”, which in turn made it really…inefficient. So, they took a learning styles quiz which turned up multi-modal, giving very little reprieve on the efficiency front. After chatting about some next steps, we switched the approach to try a new study approach each day, and see what sticks. I know it sounds trivial, and really panic inducing when there’s only so much time in the program. But, once you find that new hack for your brain, you’ll be amazed at what starts to click. 

Good news on that friend of ours, they did incredibly well in Phase 3 of their program. And they’re still switching up their approach when they need to. 

In Conclusion

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when working with new content. Often, students will switch up their approaches in different phases as well. If you need ideas, talking to your peers, instructors, and advisors can be helpful if you find yourself reading the same passage over and over to no avail. We’ve all been there. Don’t forget: it’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that you just need to find the way in. 


About Sara McCown

Sara McCown is a Team Lead for Student Advising with Flatiron School. She has been on the Advising Team since its recent creation and has previous experience in public education and administration. In addition, she has over 12 years of experience in coaching students for success. She’s also an avid reader and always open to suggestions and discussions!

Version Control With GitHub: A Guide

This article on version control with GitHub is part of the Content Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School staff members on topics ranging from program success to the job search. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during your program at Flatiron School.

Have you ever been working on a project and gotten to a point where you wanted to rewind? Perhaps start over from a previous point and go in a different direction? Hitting undo until you get there would work, but then you’d lose all the work that you had. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go back but still keep all your work? Well … there is for coding!

What is Version Control?

Version control is a system to keep track of each change that is made to the code in a project. 

Many systems can be used for version control. In the Flatiron School Software Engineering program the focus is on using Git and GitHub. Git is the most widely used version control system and is used in conjunction with GitHub. 

Git commands run locally to track each version and change made to a project on your computer. GitHub stores all those changes so that other people can review the changes.

Why Is Version Control Important?

The importance of version control is not just to show you know a new technology but also to show you can manage larger projects in an organized way.

Using version control will be crucial because you will have many people collaborating on the same project and keeping track of all the different code coming into the project in an organized way is essential. It will allow your managers to review your code before integrating it and it will allow your contributors to apply your code to theirs. 

Showing employers that you can organize your code and be able to compartmentalize code into workable sections that can be integrated or reverted will show them that you have the foundations to work in a collaborative environment.

Git Basics

While completing the labs in the Flatiron School Software Engineering program you will become automatic in the basics of Git version control. 

Each submission will be prefixed with git add . , git commit -m “Completed”, git push. These are very good commands to get used to using, and even better to understand what is happening with each command. 

The git add . command takes note of every file that has been changed in the directory and puts them into the staging area. Take note that the period at the end of the command is what signifies ‘all’ the changed files. 

The git commit -m “Completed” command takes those staged files and designates them to be tracked by an identifier.  This allows each newly committed version to be reviewed or reverted back to.  Then, finally, the git push command sends the committed files to the software holding each version, in Flatiron School’s case it is GitHub.

Beyond the Basics

Once you’ve got the basics, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with additional commands. The deeper Git knowledge you have, the more applicable you’ll be in larger projects with multiple contributors. 

There are several commands you will want to explore to get a greater sense of compartmentalization in Git. They are git branch, git checkout, git merge, and git pull. These commands will help you store commits into a specific section of a project that you are working on.

Git Branch and Git Checkout

There are two ways to use the git branch. The first is to bring up a list of branches that are associated with the project you are working on. The second way includes an argument after the command and creates a new branch that can be worked on. 

For instance, the command git branch new-branch will create a new branch of the project called new-branch.  You can then start working in that branch with the command git checkout. Git checkout also requires an argument to move into whichever branch you want to work on. 

An example of this would be git checkout new-branch. This command would have you working in the branch created by the command git branch new-branch. This will compartmentalize all the code you are working on for a particular feature of an application or website. 

If you have multiple contributors to the project, then the other contributors can review the code before applying it to the main branch of the project. It also allows you to revert the project to a previous state if the new code creates an error. This is extremely helpful when a project has been deployed and you want to integrate a new feature. If the new feature breaks the application, you can return to the main branch to the commit before the integration.

Git Merge and Git Pull

If you are working on a branch of the project that does not have the most updated code of the project you are not going to know if your code will conflict with the updated code. This is where git merge and git pull help. They allow users to see how new code interacts with previous code and how the new code can be integrated with the deployed branch of the project.

To integrate the new code into the project’s main branch, you will want to ensure you are currently in the main branch.  You can check this by running the command git branch. This will give you a list of branches and the one with a * next to it will be the branch you are currently on.  When at the main branch you can take all the new code from another branch. Then, incorporate it into the main branch with the command git merge new-branch.  The argument that the git merge command takes is the name of the branch you want to integrate with the current branch you are on.

In the case that another contributor merged code on the repository stored on Git Hub and you do not have that code in your local directory, then you want to use the command git pull.  This command will take all the code that another contributor added to the repository and integrate it into the branch that you are currently working on.

Final Thoughts

The practice of version control in Git will help you prepare for a professional role. It also will allow an easier transition into the workflow of the position you land. Even in your professional experience, it would benefit you to take the git commands mentioned here and expand on the multitude of git actions that you have access to (https://git-scm.com/docs).  This will help keep your team’s code organized and manageable.  It will also make it much easier to find bugs and fix them.  Being more efficient in your process is a benefit to everyone.

About Joe Milius

Joe Miius is a Software Engineering Technical Coach at Flatiron School. He has previous teaching experience and has been helping Flatiron School students understand coding concepts for 2 years. He loves problem-solving and takes on each new problem or questions a student presents with vigor and curiosity.

The Importance of Weak Ties in the Job Search

This article on weak ties is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

Of the last 100+ graduates who shared details of their new tech jobs with Flatiron School, close to 50% reported first connecting with their employer through networking. This tried-and-true method is still one of the most effective ways to land a job. As the saying goes, “It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters.” Surprisingly, how well you know people matters even more, and not in the direction you might think. Turns out that the connections that are more beneficial to employment opportunities come from relationships known as weak ties. 

What Are Weak Ties?

The weak ties theory, one of the most influential social theories of the last 100 years, says that infrequent, distant relationships (not closer, stronger relationships) are beneficial to employment opportunities. Recent research from Harvard, MIT, and Stanford included a five-year set of experiments on LinkedIn with 20 million people around the world and set out to test the weak ties theory. MIT’s Sloan School of Management reported that “weak ties allow distant clusters of people to access novel information that can lead to new opportunities, innovation, and increased productivity.” 

This news should encourage job seekers to go a layer deeper into their networks and expand their circles to include new relationships. Furthermore, job seekers interested in tech positions may stand to benefit the most. From study co-leader Erik Brynjolfsson, “We found that weak ties create significantly more labor market mobility in digital and high-tech sectors. This may reflect the fact that there is more rapid change and need for novel information and connections in those industries.”

How To Find Your Weak Ties

Start with your Strong Ties

A common objection to networking is “I don’t know who to contact” or “I don’t have a network.” The reality is that we know more people who can help us than we think we do. 

Whether or not you’re an expert networker or just getting started: begin with your immediate circle. Draft an announcement to post on LinkedIn, Twitter, or your preferred social media app. Draft an email and send it out to your existing relationships, attaching your resume to help them easily forward it on if they can. Whether a social media post or an email, start with close family and friends and work your way up to former colleagues, teachers, classmates, or teammates.

In your outreach – and this is key – ask your existing relationships to forward your news or resume to their own network! Again, from Brynjolfsson, “A practical implication of the research is that it’s helpful to reach out to people beyond your immediate friends and colleagues when looking for a new job.” Remember, it’s not the existing relationship that is as likely to increase employment opportunities as it is the more distant, i.e., second or third-degree relationship. The friend of a friend or family member is who you want to reach! 

Cast A Wide Net

Next, tell everyone you know that you’re looking for work, especially people you just met. Find out where the people working in the role you want tend to hang out, IRL or digitally. Your Career Coach can help you identify how to go about finding these individuals and also what to write or say to get a conversation started. 

Take confidence knowing that helping others activates the release of feel-good hormones in our brain, both for those giving and receiving. People generally like helping people, which is why including some way to help the person you’re reaching out to could improve your chances of hearing back. Some ideas: $5 coffee gift card or contribution to a cause they care about; interviewing them on a topic they have expertise in and posting it on social media. You may even help your new connection earn a nice referral bonus since many employers offer these to their employees for referring candidates into open positions.

Rinse and Repeat

It can be daunting to contact complete strangers or ask your existing network for help, and it takes work to begin and nurture relationships. If ever there was a time to use data to build your confidence or stamina, networking would be it. If the data shows that a) networking is the most productive way to land a role, b) more roles are unposted or “hidden” (i.e., there are more opportunities available to you than what you see posted on job boards), and c) that weaker ties create more opportunities for job movement, then it’s time to do the work. 

Final Thoughts

Remember those 100+ Flatiron grads who reported networking success? Only 4% responded saying they were first connected after simply applying. The time is going to pass anyway. How will you spend your precious time and energy?

I hope you’re inspired by the following handful of self-reported networking accounts, detailing how grads first connected with the employer that eventually hired them: 

  • “Speaking with a pool client” 
  • “Talked to the principal during the school tour”
  • “Referral through a librarian”
  • “Met the current director of the data science team at a yoga class.”
  • “I met the owner of the company playing hockey in a local league.”

Share your search with everyone – you never know who might be the key to unlocking your next job opportunity. 

About Lindsey Williams

Lindsey Williams is the Senior Manager of Coaching at Flatiron School. She has more than 15 years of experience in the EdTech spaces and has held a variety of roles from Recruiter and HR to Campus Director and Training Director.

How To Avoid 6 Common Job Search Scams

This article on common job search scams is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

I’ve got good news and bad news. 

Let’s start with the bad news. Job search scams are on the rise and unfortunately, they are becoming more successful. In today’s digital world, scammers take advantage of people’s fears and anxieties. It’s easy to scroll through social media feeds filled with stories of economic hardships and desperation for work. Scammers prey on vulnerability, offering opportunities that seem too good to be true or asking you to do something you normally wouldn’t do. 

Now comes the good news. There’s no need to live in fear or assume that everyone who reaches out to you is trying to run a scam. By equipping yourself with knowledge of these scams and learning how to avoid them, you can empower yourself and navigate through the job search process with confidence. 

In this article, you’ll find valuable tips on how to protect yourself from 6 of the most common job search scams. 

What Is The Goal of Scammers?

To effectively avoid job search scams, it’s important to first understand their goal. Knowing what the scammer wants can help you identify when something is fishy.

In general terms, the goal of job search scams is to deceive job seekers and exploit them for financial gain or personal information. They want to con you into providing them with information that they can’t get on their own. This could be banking information, actual money, login credentials, social security numbers, or something else.

Scam #1: Stealing Personal Information

Scammers acquire personal information from resumes and online profiles. 

Scam Buster: Be selective about what you share on resumes and online profiles. Don’t share sensitive information such as your full address or date of birth. Consider creating an email address specifically for your job search. Instead of providing specific employment dates on your resume, mention the duration of your experience in years. Be cautious about the platforms you choose to upload your resume to and stick to reputable job portals and networking sites. Regularly review and update your privacy settings on social media and networking sites.

Scam #2: Fake Job Ads

Scammers copy a real job posting and make it look like it’s an opportunity posted by an official company. They then post the fake job posting onto job boards. 

Scam Buster: Stay aware by verifying job openings. Use official company websites or other verified sources to make sure the posting is legitimate. Make it a best practice to apply directly to official company websites. Pay attention to the language and formatting of the job posting. Genuine job ads are more likely to be well-written and properly formatted. Be on the lookout for job ads that promise high salaries or extraordinary benefits without a detailed job description. If it seems too good to be true, proceed with caution. Only use trusted job boards and reputable recruitment agencies when searching for jobs. 

Scam #3: Job Offer Without An Interview

You’ve submitted your resume and the company responds with a job offer before you’ve interviewed.  

Scam Buster: Legitimate employers typically want to assess a candidate’s qualifications and fit for the position through interviews and discussions. Research the company. Look for their official website, online presence, and reviews from current and former employees. Trust your gut and be cautious. Reach out to the company directly to verify the job offer. Use contact information from the company’s website or another reliable source. You can even request an interview to get answers to your questions about the position.   

Scam #4: Random Reach Outs

Someone reaches out saying they’ve received your resume and want to move you forward in the interview process. Of course, this could be great news and not necessarily a scam. However, things get tricky if you don’t remember the company or even applying for a position. 

Scam Buster: Make it a best practice to track your resume submissions and sites to which you have posted your resume and profile. For tracking, you can create a simple spreadsheet or use a sheet of paper. If asked, don’t give identifiable information or bank account numbers. Search for the person that reached out to you on a reputable networking site. Check the company the official company website to see if the job ad is posted. If the job ad isn’t posted on the company website, reach out to the company, and verify that it’s a real opportunity. 

Scam #5: Check Cashing

You receive a job offer but the next step is to accept a company check, cash it, buy equipment, and return the remaining funds to the company.  

Scam Buster: Always be skeptical of job offers that involve receiving checks and being asked to buy equipment or send money back. Carefully review the job offer and verify the authenticity of the company. Contact the company through verified channels and reach out to any references provided during the recruitment process. Employers typically handle financial matters directly. No legitimate employer will ask you to deposit a check and send money back as part of your job responsibilities.  

Scam #6: Requests for Personal Information

Online applications or interview platforms that require personal information before you can log in. Fake recruiters may claim they need your details to pass them on to a hiring manager or facilitate your application, set up an interview, or move you forward in the hiring process.  

Scam Buster: Proceed with caution. Before giving any information ensure that the website or platform is secure and trustworthy. Review the privacy policies and terms of service of the online application or interview system. Make sure it clearly states how your personal information will be handled, stored, and protected. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to their customer support for clarification. 

Limit the information you provide and only provide the necessary details required to create an account or proceed with the application. Don’t share sensitive information such as your social security number or financial data unless necessary and justified. Beware of any signs of phishing or fraudulent activity. Check for suspicious or mismatched URLs. If you suspect the site fraud, report it to the website or platform administrators.

Final Thoughts

In the world of job searching, it’s important to trust your instincts and remain aware. While job search scams do exist, it’s important not to live in constant fear or be overly suspicious of every opportunity. If something feels off or too good to be true, take a step back and reassess the situation. Empower yourself by doing thorough research, verifying information, listening to your gut, and approaching each opportunity with a balanced mindset.  By doing this, you’ll be prepared to identify and avoid scams and find your next opportunity!

About Aimee Thompson

Aimee Thompson is an ICF Certified Coach with Flatiron School. Her background is in coaching, human resources, customer success, recruiting, and training and development. Her passion is partnering with her clients to help them thrive outside of their comfort zone and create a life they love.

Immersive Learning: Lost in Coding

This article on immersive learning is part of the Content Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School staff members on topics ranging from program success to the job search. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during your program at Flatiron School.

Starting the Flatiron Software Engineering program can feel a lot like traveling abroad. 

At your first Flatiron School class, you’ve finished the program’s prework and maybe even done some online lessons. You might be feeling prepared and eager, as well as a little nervous, with the feeling of entering a fantastic new adventure. 

This is not dissimilar to how it would feel to travel to Spain, for example. Maybe you learned a few basic words or sentences before heading to the airport. You’d likely be getting off the plane excited to experience a new culture, surroundings, and language. 

What’s more, the learning path for picking up Spanish abroad and coding at an accelerated bootcamp are also very similar. How can this be? One word: immersion.

WEEK 1: Fumbling With Fundamentals

The excitement that led you to take that international flight or sign up for a coding bootcamp will likely carry you through the initial week of learning. Those first few days, all you’ll be able to do is take in all the information cascading over you. You’ll find yourself lost in the culture of code and the language of Javascript. With everything new, including much of the language, you will most likely find yourself completely overloaded with information.  

“You can access the information in the object through bracket notation or dot notation. Bracket notation will allow you to use the value of a variable rather than the literal characters typed to access the key. Dot notation is limited to the literal characters typed as the key”

“Uh, I heard variable and object!”

It’s similar to being surrounded by people fluent in Spanish while only knowing a few nouns. You can pick out some familiar words and concepts from the work you did before the program, but little else. Combining all the pieces of Javascript in a coherent sentence or workable code ends up being like trying to string together a limited Spanish vocabulary into something as simplistic as “me gusta la manzana”.  Though to native ears of Javascript, it may seem childish, it is a big accomplishment to be able to say something like “The variable has been reassigned”, and that is a great start!

The Challenge

You will be inundated with so much information you might be consumed with taking it all in rather than just parsing the important parts. It can be intimidating and make you feel you won’t be able to accomplish the end goal. Don’t let this imposter syndrome shape you into a bystander in your learning.  Taking a passive approach will prevent you from achieving fluency in Javascript, much like only listening to Spanish speakers won’t teach you to respond proficiently.

Tips For Success

Be active in the learning process! To get yourself used to applying code to a blank file you should set up your replit and follow along with the lessons in the curriculum.  When you are done with a lesson try changing the code in your REPL environment and try to predict what will show up in the console. This will help you get more comfortable with producing and thinking in code.

WEEK 2: Practicing In Pairs

In the second week, pairing with other cohort mates to work on different labs and being forced to take the role of initiator will make you think through and cohesively use Javascript. The two roles – driver and navigator –  of this paired programming approach are instrumental in being able to produce code rather, than just understand it.  

Much like starting to use basic Spanish phrases in conversation, this week will challenge you to create things on the spot and respond appropriately to your partner.

The Challenge

Week two labs are an active Javascript thought production that makes you think through the language. The navigator role compels you to verbalize what code should be typed out. You will have to think through how to make a fetch request, what to do with the information from the fetch request, and how it all works with the user through event listeners. In each step, you will break the code down into smaller steps and debug.

Tips For Success

Moving into the “use phase” of week two can be intimidating. Take it slow and try not to stress during pair exercises. If you stumble over the logic, the driver is there to help you.

WEEK 3: Conversing In Code

As the end of Phase 1 of the Flatiron program nears, your fluency with the language will have grown to the point you can code independently. At this point, you can take on the challenge of tackling the end-of-phase labs that put all the concepts you have learned together.  

This translation will be taking someone else’s words and turning them into code. From now on it will feel like each new piece of information fits into an existing framework. Even new languages and frameworks in the next phases will feel easier to pick up. 

Relating back to our Spanish analogy, this is the point where you no longer feel lost on an alien planet. You know the fundamentals, can hold a dialogue, and partake in normal conversation! Though there will be new words to learn, you now understand how to fit them into the language. 

The Challenge

The end-of-phase labs will likely take a lot of time. At first, completing one of the comprehensive labs might take you a full day of work. But, with each successive lab you engage in, the time it takes to complete will diminish.

Tips For Success

Focus on taking the end-of-phase labs one step at a time. Fully engross yourself in one lab at a time. Move on to the next only when you’ve completely finished the first. By the time you’ve completed a few of the labs, it will begin feeling like coding has “clicked”. You’ll be able to see how everything fits together and would be translated from the “deliverables”, or the description of what the code should do for the user.

After Flatiron School’s Immersive Learning Bootcamp

Flatiron School will immerse you in coding, and your job is to let yourself be lost. Lean into the learning curve, engage, and try to converse. While immersion is scary at first, it gets results. If you embrace the process, you will learn new skills faster than you ever imagined!

About Joe Milius

Joe Miius is a Software Engineering Technical Coach at Flatiron School. He has previous teaching experience and has been helping Flatiron School students understand coding concepts for 2 years. He loves problem-solving and takes on each new problem or question a student presents with vigor and curiousity.

Pride in Tech 2023 Panel Discussion

At Flatiron School, we know that meaningful things happen when people from diverse backgrounds work together. That’s why, each Pride month, we host a panel highlighting members of the LGBTQ+ community thriving in tech.

Last Year’s Pride in Tech 2022 Panel:

In 2022, our “Pride in Tech” panel participants shared how diversity and inclusion impact the LGBTQIA+ community working in tech and how companies can support LGBTQIA+ equality. Panelists featured were: 

August Rowe (They/Them), Data and Impact Director at Southwest Youth and Family Services.

Louis Casanave (He/Him), a former Data Science student. He went on to graduate from Flatiron School in November 2022 and is now an Analytics Consultant at Wells Fargo.

Brandon Tomecsko (He/They), a former Software Engineering student. He went on to graduate from Flatiron School in April 2023 and is now a Software Developer at Cook Systems. 

Em Kramm (She/They), a former Software Engineering student. She went on to graduate from Flatiron School in August 2022. 

Reito Serizawa (He/Him), a former Software Engineering student. He went on to graduate from Flatiron School in July 2022 and is now a Software Engineer at Skift.

Wael Gomaa (He/Him), a former Software Engineering student. He went on to graduate from Flatiron School in June 2022 and is now a Data Analyst at SDG Group.

Brittany (Ritta) Kelly (She/Her), a former Software Engineering student. She went on to graduate from Flatiron School in August 2022 and is now a Membership Director & Head of Influencer Relations at Parlor Social Club.

Throughout the event, panelists discussed what tech does to support the community, what it could do better, and their own experiences in the field. Watch last year’s full panel below:

This Year’s Pride in Tech 2023 Panel:

This year, Flatiron School will host another thought-provoking panel conversation on the challenges and triumphs of being LGBTQIA+ in the tech industry. Our panelists will share their personal stories and insights on how to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture for the LGBTQIA+ community in tech.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, an aspiring LGBTQIA+ professional, or simply someone who wants to learn more about this incredible intersection, this is the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons and join the conversation.

Whether you’re hoping to get into tech, currently pursuing an education, or are looking for your next opportunity, this panel is for everyone. Bring all of your questions and get ready to be inspired by our panelist’s stories!

From Stuck To Unstoppable: How To Stay Inspired During A Long Job Search

This article on how to stay inspired during a job search is part of the Coaching Collective series, featuring tips and expertise from Flatiron School Career Coaches. Every Flatiron School graduate is eligible to receive up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching with one of our professional coaches. This series is a glimpse of the expertise you can access during career coaching at Flatiron School. 

Are you tired of your job search routine? Feeling stuck and unmotivated? Have the endless rejections and delays in finding your next opportunity started to affect your outlook? If so, it’s time to re-energize your job search and regain the enthusiasm you had when you first began.

Think back to when you first started applying for jobs. Remember the excitement, optimism, and enthusiasm you had? If those feelings have faded, don’t worry, it’s normal and even expected if the experience is taking longer than expected. But, you don’t have to stay stuck. It’s time to leverage everything you’ve learned up to now and take positive actions to refresh your search.

Why Is Staying Inspired During Your Job Search Important?

Feeling uninspired can affect multiple aspects of your job search. 

A lack of inspiration can be reflected in your actions, attitude, creativity, and energy levels. You might start to find yourself going through the motions without genuine enthusiasm. This can affect your progress and prevent you from taking the necessary steps to stand out among other applicants. 

It can also affect your ability to think creatively and present yourself in the best light to potential employers. Employers are drawn to candidates who are enthusiastic, passionate, and have innovative thinking, so re-energizing your job search is key to leaving a lasting, positive impression. 

How Do You Get Re-Inspired?

While there is no time machine to take you back to the beginning of your job search, there are practical ways to help get your inspiration (and motivation) back. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Remember Your Why

Recall your reasons for pursuing a new career. It’s an opportunity to find your passion, discover your potential, and start a journey that brings excitement, purpose, and a greater sense of fulfillment. It allows you to challenge yourself, learn new skills, and grow, leading to greater happiness and satisfaction in life. Refocus on the deeper reason behind your choice to pursue a new field, and use it to propel you forward.

Talk to people in your target field

Engaging with professionals in your target industry can help reignite your job search. They can provide industry tips, insight, knowledge, and motivation. They may also share job leads, give referrals, and make resume suggestions.

Attend industry events or job fairs

These events gather professionals such as industry leaders, experts, hiring managers, and recruiters all in one place. Use them to gain industry knowledge and stay informed about current trends. There are also opportunities to learn about companies and what they are looking for in candidates, network, discover job leads, and even have on-the-spot interviews.

Find an accountability buddy or create a group

Regular check-ins, whether virtual or in person, can help you stay motivated and accountable for your progress. Job search partners can offer encouragement, help you set goals, and keep you on track through the ups and downs of your search.

Explore different types of jobs

If you’re having trouble finding openings with a specific title, don’t limit yourself to one type of role. Look for adjacent positions that align with your long-term goals, offer growth opportunities, and give you the chance to develop additional skills. These roles can expand your network and help you pivot into your target role.

Engage in hobbies

It’s easy to get entirely sucked into the job search and neglect the other parts of your life. It’s important to make time for things outside of looking for a job, so try scheduling time for activities you enjoy. Hobbies allow you to relax, provide stress relief, and are opportunities to learn new skills. They can also provide a chance to expand your network in a relaxed way and connect with other professionals.

Make time for self-care

Throughout a long job search, it’s critical to take care of your mental and emotional health. Job searching has highs and lows, so it’s important to practice self-care. Find things that rejuvenate you, such as taking walks, spending time with loved ones, or exercising. Incorporating self-care into your job search will improve your focus and productivity.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to stay inspired during a lengthy job search is necessary to maintain the enthusiasm and motivation needed for success. Remember, finding the right opportunity is a process. By taking intentional steps to re-inspire yourself and your search, you can move past challenges, and achieve your career goals.

About Aimee Thompson

Aimee Thompson is an ICF Certified Coach with Flatiron School. Her background is in coaching, human resources, recruiting, and training and development. Her passion is partnering with her clients to help them thrive outside of their comfort zone and create a life they love.