Alumni stories
Software Engineering
National Coding Week 2023 | Student Project Showcase
For National Coding Week 2023, we're highlighting 5 recent Software Engineering grads capstone project presentations.
Alumni Stories
Ilolo Izu: Medicine to Software Engineering
“Learning to code has been a challenging but rewarding journey. I'm excited for what the future holds as a developer.”
Alumni Stories
Usman Sikander: Mechanical Engineer to Cybersecurity Analyst
“I am most proud of the growth and progress I have achieved. Each milestone is a testament to my dedication and passion for Cybersecurity.”
Alumni Stories
Tristram Jones: Retail to Software Engineering
“It made all the difference to be surrounded by other individuals as motivated, bright, and desperate as I was to make such a drastic career pivot."
Alumni Stories
Jon Brundage Jr.: TV Production to Software Engineering
"My biggest takeaway from Flatiron School was that I am capable of learning new tricks."
Alumni Stories
Neda Jabbari, Ph.D.: Academic To Data Scientist
“Interacting with other students in my cohort and instructors with different backgrounds was my favorite part of the bootcamp.”
Alumni Stories
Chuck Utterback: Diving Deeper Into Data
“Embracing continuous learning by investing in myself – upskilling within analytics through Flatiron - drives a positive return on investment.”
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