Flatiron School Blog
Alumni Stories
Why One Student Left His Job as a Debate Coach — and How Flatiron Helped
In the interview below, Josh discusses his journey from China to Flatiron School to a career in code.
Alumni Stories
How One Flatiron Grad Went From Lawyer to Coder Helping to Fight Climate Change
At Flatiron School, our success is our students’ success — when students get jobs, we’ve done our job. But, students’ stories don’t end after they graduate. In this series, we chat with members of Flatiron School’s alumni community about their journey into code, and how that journey transformed their life. Remmy C., one of Flatiron […]
Alumni Stories
From Bartender to Software Engineer in Denver
Sergio M. was a bartender in Las Vegas when he realized he needed to change careers. Serving drinks was fun for a while, but it was pretty repetitive and left Sergio wanting more. He decided he needed to change his career and his life. His inspiration would come in the form of advertisements for coding […]
How to Ace a Coding Bootcamp Technical Interview
Updated 6/2/21: Flatiron School no longer requires a technical interview. Instead, students will take a 15-minute admissions assessment. Read this article about how to pass the assessment. No matter how much you prepare on your own, demonstrating your technical proficiency can be one of the most daunting parts of applying for a coding bootcamp — […]
Alumni Stories
From Data Analyst to Software Engineer in Atlanta
Sometimes, you’re already on a career path you enjoy. And though you’re mostly satisfied, there’s still a part of you that wants to do more. Rahul Mody, before embarking on a coding career, felt exactly that way. He graduated Georgia Tech and was using the skills he learned in college as a data analyst at […]
Alumni Stories
From Air Traffic Controller to Houston-Based Software Engineer
Scott Young was working as an air traffic controller before becoming a software engineer. Scott would have been content to continue his career but, as he describes it, “life happens.” While Scott had a successful career, he needed to make a switch. He decided to pursue his previous desire to become a software engineer and enrolled at Flatiron School. […]
Flatiron School
These Are the Best Companies to Work for in Washington, D.C.
A job is more than just a job. You’re spending 40 hours, or more, a week in an office and that investment deserves an equal return. As an employee, you should feel empowered to succeed and motivated by your colleagues. Your job and career should feel less like “work” and more of an extension of […]
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