Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
Front End vs. Back End Development
Let's look at newer web development and employment trends for a Front End and a Back End developer, including salary and employment opportunities.
Flatiron School Selected by The University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education to Deliver Its New Online Data Science Program
Flatiron School has been selected by the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education to support its launch a new online Data Science program.

Career Advice
7 Steps To Launch a Lucrative Career as a Programmer
What if you only discovered you’re curious about a career as a developer after graduating a four-year university with a non-CS degree? It's not too late. Not even close.
Flatiron School Brings Real-World Client Projects to Harvard Business School Students
In June 2020, Flatiron School partnered with Harvard Business School to launch a virtual 8-week Data Science Bootcamp for 25 of their MBA students

Alumni Stories
From Marketing Agency Founder to Software Engineer
Olivia started her career as an admin for various tech startups in Denver. Inspired by the work of Software Engineers she launched her own marketing agency and learned to design websites for her clients. That’s when she decided to take her career to the next level and learn how to code.

Alumni Stories
From Trumpet Player to Data Integration
Meet Flatiron Grad and Idelic Software Engineer, Matthew McCormack! He learned coding to add a side hustle to teaching and gigs. But in the end, the symphony of coding was simply music to his ears. Matthew shares his story, here: What did you do prior to Flatiron? Prior to my time at Flatiron, I was (and still am) a […]

Cybersecurity Engineering
Working Together to Fill the Gap: Jacobs and SecureSet Academy Initiate Talent Pipeline Program
Jacobs and SecureSet are working together to address these challenges in an effort to bring more talent into the workforce pipeline.
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