Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
From Waiter To SOC Analyst: How One Flatiron School Grad Turned COVID-19 Into A New Career Path
Interseted in a career as a SOC analyst? Read about how Jonathan G went from waiter to SOC analyst, with help from Flatiron School.

Tech Trends
What Does a Data Scientist Do?
Thinking about a career in data science? Check out this complete guide to understand what a data scientist does, job responsibilities, and salaries.
Announcing Flatiron School’s Newest Course: Product Design
tiron School has created an exciting new full-time Product Design program for our students that combines both UX (user experience) design and UI (user interface) design into its comprehensive curriculum.
Flatiron School Unveils Programs to Support Students Who Need More Day-to-Day Flexibility
Flatiron School announces a new way to learn with the launch of flexible learning schedules.
Excited to Announce Another First — Reinventing Education (Again) for the New World of Work
As the oldest operating coding bootcamp, we’re proud to be responsible for a lot of firsts in our industry. In 2012, we were the first to create open-sourced, comprehensive pre-work to allow more people to get started learning for free. In 2013, we became the first bootcamp to partner with the government (the City of […]
Flatiron School Launches a New Product Design Program Focused on UX/UI Design and Job-Ready Portfolio Creation
Flatiron School has created an exciting new full-time Product Design program for our students that combines both UX (user experience) design and UI (user interface) design into its comprehensive curriculum.

Career Advice
How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome | Tips & Mindsets
Overcoming imposter syndrome isn't as easy as it might seem. Here are tried-and-true tips based on the experience of our career coaches.
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