Flatiron School Blog

Career Advice
The 40 Best Data Analytics Companies to Work for in 2021: A Flatiron School Guide
Looking for your new career move in data science? Check out this hand-selected list of the top 40 data analytics companies to work for in 2021.

UX / UI Product Design
Do UX/UI Designers Code? Or Can You Get Away Without It?
UX/UI designers who also know code have a leg up on the competition. Here are the reasons why UX/UI and product designers should — and maybe shouldn’t — learn to code.

Data Science
How to Become a Data Scientist
If you want to become a data scientist, this guide will teach you everything you need to know. We explain what a data scientist does, what salary you can expect, and how to gain the necessary skills.
UX / UI Product Design
How Much Do UX / UI Designers Make in 2022?
UX/UI design skills are in high demand. But how much do UX/UI designers really make?

Data Science
Should I Do A Data Science Bootcamp?
Enrolling in a data science bootcamp is your first step toward a successful career in data science. Check out this complete guide to everything you need to know about enrolling in a data science bootcamp.
Tech Trends
What is Data Analytics? | Flatiron School Educational Guides
Everywhere you look, the world is awash in data, and businesses rely on data analytics to decide how to improve their processes and beat out the competition.

Software Engineering
Which JavaScript Frameworks Should I Learn?
The JavaScript landscape changes constantly, making it harder to know which frameworks are important. This guide will help you pick the JavaScript frameworks you should learn in 2021.
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