Flatiron School Blog
Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Engineer Salaries
Cybersecurity specialists are in high demand in the tech world. Learn what they do and how much money they earn.
Data Science
Why Should You Learn Python for Data Science?
Python is a programming language that’s growing in popularity among data scientists. Here’s why you should consider learning to code in Python.
Artificial Intelligence
What Is Deep Learning With Python?
Deep learning has become an ever-growing part of the machine learning family. Read this article to learn all about deep learning with Python.
Data Science
What Data Analytics Tools Do Data Analysts Need to Know?
A data analyst uses several data analysis tools, such as Excel, SQL, and Tableau. But which of these tools do data analysts need to know?
Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Analytics vs. Engineering: What’s the Difference?
Cybersecurity analytics and cybersecurity engineering sound similar, but they play different roles. Find out more about cybersecurity analytics and engineering here.
Cybersecurity Engineering
With ransomware attacks on the rise, Flatiron School adds new flexible pace program to fill the cybersecurity gap
Flatiron School’s new flexible pace program will give you the training you need to join the cybersecurity industry to protect businesses from trending ransomware attacks.
Tech Trends
Will I Get a Job After a Cybersecurity Bootcamp?
What type of jobs can cybersecurity grads get? Will a cybersecurity bootcamp help you get a job? Read this article for all you need to about getting a job after bootcamp.
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