Tech Trends

What is User Experience Design?

UX design focuses on the interaction that a human user has with everyday products and services. The goal of UX design is to make using these products and services, both digital or physical, easy, logical, and fun.
How is data science used?
Data Science

How Is Data Science Used?

Data science has been a persistently popular field lately, cropping up in job reports and listicle articles for recommended career paths. With all these headlines, you may wonder though - how is data science used, and where can you see its implications in everyday life?
what programming language should i learn?
Software Engineering

What Programming Language Should I Learn First?

If you're beginning a path to a career in software engineering, you may be asking yourself "which coding language should I learn first"? Look no further, here's our guide to the top four recommended programming languages.
Staff / Coach Features

Bani Phul-Anand: From Beauty To Product Design

Bani Phul-Anand, a Lead Instructor of Product Design at Flatiron School, has more than 12 years of experience in Product Design. She began her career in luxury beauty and fashion, but a pivot into tech eventually led her to a career in Product Design. 
Career Advice

After The Interview

Not sure what to do after an interview? No matter how it went, you should always do the three items on this post-interview checklist: send a thank you note, perform an interview analysis, and get back out there!
Staff / Coach Features

Jeffrey Hinkle: From Chef to Data Science Curriculum Writer

Jeffrey Hinkle, a Junior Curriculum Writer for Data Science, spent more than two decades in the restaurant industry as a chef before pivoting into tech.