Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
Cool Coding Careers
Finding a job that you enjoy and find rewarding is critical to happiness at work. In this post, we’ve collected some exciting career paths for software engineers that combine interests with abilities (also known as a dream job!).

Career Advice
Tracking Your Job Search
Tracking your job search is vital to finding employment as smoothly and quickly as possible. Here are 11 data points you should be tracking with every application you submit.

UX / UI Product Design
What I Learned Interviewing for Product Design Jobs
Interviewing for product design jobs is hard. The best thing you can do though is easily said in three words - prepare, prepare, prepare! Here's what to expect during the interview process and 5 key takeaways to landing a job.

Career Advice
The Art of Salary Negotiation
Knowing the market rate for your industry and area is essential to earn the compensation you deserve. Without a number in mind and a negotiation strategy, you put yourself at the mercy of recruiters.

Career Advice
How To Use The 75% Rule In Your Job Search
The 75% rule says "if you can do 75% of the job - apply." You don’t need to have 100% of the skills, traits, and abilities that the job description lists to apply for the role or secure an interview.

Career Advice
The Unfair Advantage of Self-Confidence
For confident people, things come easy - jobs, raises, promotions. According to Chase Hughes, harnessing your internal self-confidence in 5 steps is key to getting ahead.

UX / UI Product Design
Dr. Delminquoe Cunningham: From Animation to UX / UI Product Design Curriculum Expert
Dr. Delminquoe Cunningham, Senior Curriculum Developer at, brings 17 years of industry experience to Flatiron School after pivoting from animation.
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