Flatiron School

Woman Crush Wednesday: Hannah Nordgren [Q&A]

Unconventional is a good descriptor for Hannah Nordgren's path to becoming a developer. Hannah's first job as a teenager was at a taco stand, then she followed her love of fashion to New York and ended up becoming a professional hairdresser and freelance technical designer. Roughly a year after graduating Flatiron's first Brooklyn full stack development […]
Macro photo of a white keyboard
Flatiron School

The Gale-Shapley Algorithm and How Programming Insersects With Social Issues

This post originally appeared on Jake Faris’s blog. You can read more here. In college, I took a Computer Science course on Algorithms, where we explored ways that programmers and computer scientists approach complex problem solving. We looked at greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, recursion, network flow algorithms, and many more. One of the first algorithms we […]
Alumni Stories

Why Writers Make Great Programmers: Alex Wilkinson [Q&A]

Alex Wilkinson had a passion for computers starting at a young age, but never considered it to be more than a hobby. He focused on writing for years, but after a stint at the New York Times Research and Development department, he realized a new potential career calling. About a year after graduating from Flatiron School's […]
Flatiron School

Why High Schoolers Should Learn Entrepreneurship

When it comes to planning for 21st century careers, there’s nothing quite like the buzzword “startup” to begin a conversation. And for good reason — as programming becomes an essential skill, it’s also set the stage for young adults to develop innovative business strategies. That’s why The Flatiron School is now offering Startup Entrepreneurship for […]
Flatiron School

How Mario Changed the Way You Play Video Games

In the world of gaming icons, there are few that top the nostalgia meter like Mario. From Super Smash Brothers to Mario Kart 64, most people under 40 have childhood memories of eating way too many Airheads and attacking a controller in front of a glowing screen. The advent of Mario changed the way people gamed […]
Flatiron School

5 Questions with Kode with Karlie Scholar Thea McKenna

Thea McKenna made an impression on her tryout video for the Kode with Karlie Scholarship, donning a programming shirt and getting her cats' endorsement as well. We asked her some questions and found out why her brother is so important to her, and where she wants to go next. Tell us who you are in […]