Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Flatiron + Nitrous Partner for Pre-College Programs
As Flatiron's Pre-College Academy grows, so do the ways in which students and teachers interact with technology. This summer, Flatiron School has partnered with Nitrous Inc. to bring a cloud-coding platform to its high school summer intensives. This means that Flatiron students have the flexibility to use any device, including Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook, […]
Flatiron School
An Epic Adventure: How to Create Sessions in Rails
This blog is part of a continuous series that highlights experiences, insights, and tutorials from learning developers at Flatiron in Web and iOS. This may not be the most interesting of all stories, but it's one that needs to be told. That begs to be heard. And here I am, giving this story its very own particular voice […]
Flatiron School
Flatiron Alumni Presents App in White House
Suma Reddy graduated from Flatiron's iOS 003 cohort about a year ago, and she's already presenting her app to some of the nation's top leaders. Yesterday President Obama hosted the first-ever White House Demo day, with a focus on entrepreneurship and diverse startup founders. Public and private leaders attended the event, including the co-founder of Pinterest and […]
Flatiron School
How a TFA Teacher Wants to Change Education With Code [Q&A]
Reuben Ogbonna didn't always think he'd be a teacher — as an economics and finance enthusiast, he planned to follow the Wall Street track. But after a study abroad experience in Turkey led him to a life-changing economics class, Reuben's personal aspirations changed irrevocably. After working for Teach for America, Flatiron School selected Reuben from a pool […]
Flatiron School
Pre-College Students Unveil Apps at Science Fair [Slideshow]
What does the closet from Clueless, meal planning, and drought tracking have in common? That would be the Advanced Software Engineering II class in NYC, where Pre-College students created apps on just about every topic imaginable. The two-week course, a follow-up on Intro to Software Engineering, taught students how to connect APIs and create complex models […]
Flatiron School
Here’s What Alan Kay Did to Change the Way You Use Computers
Alan Kay began life as a precocious learner. Raised in the household of a father who designed limb prostheses and a mother who played music, the ambiance of art, science, and learning later infused itself into his lifetime body of work. He avidly read books before entering elementary school, and went on to study mathematics […]
Flatiron School
Fusion Features Two Kode with Karlie Scholars
Fusion ran a spotlight on two Los Angeles Kode with Karlie winners, Leilani Jones and Amanda Southworth. Between DJ'ing and playing ukelele, the girls' musical flair is only the beginning when it comes to their talents. Click here to read about their Flatiron experience, and see what they're inspired to do next. Image via Fusion.
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