Flatiron School

What Nobody Tells Beginner Programmers

This blog is part of a continuous series that highlights experiences, insights, and tutorials from learning developers at Flatiron School in Web and iOS.  “Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is […]
Flatiron School

Pre-College Students Attend Zac Posen Code Fashion Show

There's fashion, and then there's fashion with code. Last week, three Flatiron School Pre-College students attended a runway show in New York City with a twist — ZAC Zac Posen collaborated with Made With Code to show what can happen when fashion and technology mix. The result? A dress with twinkling LED lights coded by […]
Flatiron School

How Ruth Mesfun is Bringing Computer Science to NYC Schools

Flatiron School's Pre-College students hold a special place in their hearts for Ruth Mesfun. Her positivity is contagious, and she's one of those teachers who isn't easy to forget. Ruth took the time to talk with us about her passion for social justice, the value of community, and why code should be in every school's curriculum. What were […]
Flatiron School

Flatiron School Alumna Featured in Technical.ly

Emily Lowing has a broad set of interests, from roller derby to reading sci-fi novels — but one of her biggest loves is code. After graduating from Flatiron School, she's now a developer at PromptWorks, and has been featured on Tehcnical.ly. Check out the website here to listen to a podcast about her life as a […]
Flatiron School

Coming Back to Teach Code: Frankie Kastenbaum

Frankie Kastenbaum may only be in her teens, but she already has plenty of accomplishments under her belt. Not only does she excel at school and custom design shoes in her free time, but she was one of the original Flatiron School Pre-College students to attend courses in the summer of 2014. This summer, Frankie came […]
Flatiron School

From Yoga Videos to iOS Development: Anne Lindsley

Anne Lindsley never thought she was cut out to be a programmer. As someone who rafts, hikes, and camps, however, she never had a shortage of an adventurous spirit. And after working around mobile developers for a period of time, her thinking around a possible career in programming began to change. Anne opened up to Flatiron […]