Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Jobs Report 2015: How Flatiron School + Fog Creek Boost Women in Tech
In the three years since Flatiron School was founded, its programs have taken special care to curate diversity in tech. Initiatives like the Brooklyn Fellowship and Kode with Karlie have made an outsized impact to include more women, people of color, and low-income students into computer programming spheres.It seems that investment is starting to pay […]
Flatiron School
Here’s What You Should Know About Graduation Rates in Higher Ed [Infographics]
Graduation rates in the United States are notorious for being abysmally low. Nearly half of students who enroll in college never end up finishing, which puts us at the lowest college completion rate in the developed world. This is a huge problem for many reasons — from the amount of debt people accrue to the importance employers […]
Flatiron School
Announcing Flatiron School’s 2015 Jobs Report
For the second year in a row, Flatiron School is proud to release a jobs report independently verified by a third party. But this is more than just a report — it is a symbol of our belief, and unyielding effort, to deliver on outcomes-based education. This is no small feat. It requires a dedicated […]
Software Engineering
6 Simple Tools to Increase Your Coding Productivity
This blog is part of a continuous series that highlights experiences, insights, and tutorials from learning developers at Flatiron School in Web and iOS. Using a Mac is great for iOS development, but it can be even better. Here are some tools that are great productivity boosters, most of which are either free or obtainable at a very low […]
Flatiron School
Growth Hack Lessons: 5 Ways to Present Yourself to Tech Employers
This blog is part of a continuous series that highlights experiences, insights, and tutorials from learning developers at Flatiron School in Web and iOS.Disclaimer: I don’t work in HR/Placements. I don’t even have a job. Hailing from a career in finance, I was constantly entangled in the world of expensive suits, even more expensive watches, and […]
Flatiron School
A teacher and trombonist turned developer: Garett Arrowood
Garett Arrowood discovered Learn while at a crossroads in his life. As a freelance musician and former teacher, he’s always embraced a lifelong philosophy of learning and developing his craft. Now that he’s pursuing a career in web development, he opened up about what using Flatiron School’s online program Learn is really like, and gave some advice […]
Flatiron School
How to go from a veterinarian to a mobile developer [Q&A]
When Nadia Yudina started her career path as a veterinarian, she never envisioned the possibility of becoming a mobile developer. But after attending med school in Russia and eventually building an app to sort research data at her job, Nadia realized that learning code was something she felt passionate about.After moving to the United States, […]
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