Flatiron School Blog

Career Advice
How to Continue Learning After Graduating from a Software Engineering Bootcamp
Are you thinking about how to learn in an unstructured environment, post-bootcamp graduation? This post will offer tips and strategies for how to succeed in moving your new career forward.

Tech Trends
The Data on Barbie, Greta Gerwig, and Best Director Snubs at the Oscars
Was Greta Gerwig snubbed for the 2024 Best Director Oscar nomination? How do you quantify the Barbenheimer effect? What are the biggest Best Director snubs in the history of the Oscars? Let’s explore how data science can help us understand some of the inner-workings of Oscar nominations.

Alumni Stories
Life After Graduation From a Product Design Bootcamp
Have you ever wondered what it takes to land your first design industry job after graduation from a product design bootcamp? We asked five Flatiron School grads to share their experiences and advice.

Career Advice
System Design Overview for Bootcamp Grads
In the fast-paced world of technology, a solid understanding of system design is crucial for bootcamp graduates aiming to excel in their careers.

Tech Trends
Using Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning in Python
Data scientists using Python must be comfortable and proficient in using scikit-learn, which is why Flatiron School’s Data Science Bootcamp emphasizes it throughout its curriculum.

Tech Trends
Rejecting the Null Hypothesis Using Confidence Intervals
After a discussion on the two primary methods of statistical inference, viz. hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, it is shown that these two methods are actually equivalent.

Tech Trends
Endpoint Security: EDR vs XDR vs MDR
As cyberattacks escalate and remote work booms, safeguarding endpoints like desktops and laptops is crucial. Learn how endpoint detection and response (EDR), extended detection and response (XDR), and managed detection and response (MDR) help businesses armor up.
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