Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Charlie Tafoya: Using Code to Revolutionize Private Equity
What do you when you work your way into the industry of your dreams, but find that the technology is way behind the times? For Flatiron School alum Charlie Tafoya, you build it yourself. After working for years in private capital markets, Charlie learned to code and launched Chronograph – a company providing the technology he […]
Flatiron School
3 Ways Education is Changing in the Information Age
Millennials are the most educated generation in US history. 61% of adult millennials attend college compared to 46% of the Baby Boomers. As a society we are investing more in higher education than ever. Yet while college used to hold the promise of a better life, today, only 20% of college students feel “very prepared” […]
Flatiron School
Susan LoVaglio: From Navy Jet Mechanic to Spotify iOS Engineer
With a longtime commitment to providing programming education to those who have served our country, Flatiron School has been honored to teach a number of military veterans how to code over the years. Today, ahead of Veterans Day, we’re profiling a few of these inspiring members of our community. Read on to meet Susan LoVaglio – a jet […]
Alumni Stories
Hieu Le: An Army Veteran Learning to Code from Afghanistan
With a longtime commitment to providing programming education to those who have served our country, Flatiron School has been honored to teach a number of military veterans how to code over the years. Today, ahead of Veterans Day, we’re profiling a few of these inspiring members of our community. Read on to meet Operation Code […]
Flatiron School
The Best Coding Advice I Ever Got: Take a Break
This post was written by Michael Djurdjevic, who completed our Online Web Developer Program and now helps other students going through the program as a Technical Coach. With a fresh red sharpie, I marked an “X” on my calendar exactly three months into the future. “No matter what, I’ll finish the curriculum by this day,” I thought. I felt […]
Flatiron School
Expanding our Women Take Tech Initiative with Ellevest
We’re excited to announce an expansion of our Women Take Tech initiative through a new partnership with Ellevest, the first-of-its-kind digital investment platform for women. Flatiron School will be awarding 50 women 50% scholarships to our Online Web Developer Program – cutting tuition to $750/month. We’re teaming up with Ellevest to spread the word about […]
Flatiron School
A Day in the Life of Online Coding Bootcamp Students
When coding bootcamps first came around, what happened during a day in the life of a student was pretty clear. There was a good chance that for a three-month period, every day from around 9am to 6pm, you’d be on a bootcamp campus, partaking in technical lectures and doing a whole lot of coding. However, […]
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