Flatiron School Blog
Software Engineering
How to Know When You’re Ready to Apply to a Coding Bootcamp
It’s important to know that there’s a difference between when you’re ready to apply to a bootcamp and when you’re ready for day one of a bootcamp program. Read this guide to see if you're ready.
Flatiron School
Announcing Flatiron School’s 2017 NYC Outcomes Report
With the longest history of bootcamp outcomes, we’re proud to continue leading the industry forward with our new 2017 NYC Outcomes Report. Explore the full audited results here and read on for more details. Since we opened our doors in 2012, our aim here at Flatiron School has been to help students pursue better careers […]
Flatiron School
Quiz: What’s Your Path into Programming?
At Flatiron School, we know how difficult learning to code might appear at first – especially to beginners. We hear the same common questions from students of all backgrounds curious about launching careers as developers: How do I start coding – and where? What’s the best programming language to learn first? How do I know programming is […]
Flatiron School
Flatiron School Alumnus & Entrepreneur Alex Au Launches Startup #2
Flatiron School Entrepreneur Alum Alex Au Launches Startup #2 If you’re read our eBook From Coding Bootcamp Student to Startup Founder, you’ll recognize Alex Au, a Flatiron School alum who went on to become a co-founder and CTO of language learning platform, Lingo Live. But despite Lingo Live recently receiving Series A funding, Alex was […]
Flatiron School
2 Standout Student Projects from our NYC Software Engineering Immersive
15 weeks ago, we unveiled our NYC Software Engineering Immersive – a reimagined version of our flagship in-person program, featuring added computer science, product management, and a new modular structure. This new structure includes an elective Technical Concentration, allowing students to do a deep dive into a specific technology and create a solo project with […]
Flatiron School
Doing Well by Doing Good: Reflecting on Five Years of Flatiron School
People often ask me what I'm most proud of at Flatiron School (even more often than usual given we just celebrated Flatiron’s fifth anniversary this month). That's a really hard question and I don't have a definitive answer. I often talk about our incredible student stories, our impact on the industry, and, of course, our […]
Flatiron School
Blockchain Entrepreneur, Forbes 30 Under 30, Skydiver, and Flatiron Alumna
The story about Samantha's journey in blockchain.
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