Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Introducing Flatiron School for Enterprise
A lot has changed at Flatiron School, the accelerated coding school, following our acquisition by WeWork in October 2017 (Note: Flatiron School is no longer a part of WeWork). Our physical footprint has grown from one campus to five, the staff has more than tripled from 60 to 200, and the curriculum has expanded to […]

Flatiron School
What’s the Washington D.C. Student Experience Like?
Students are the heart and soul of Flatiron School coding bootcamp class. A great education requires more than just training a student using advanced tools and a great curriculum. Aside from questions about coding bootcamps, the next most popular question usually focuses on the student experience. What’s it like to be a Flatiron School immersive […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School Announces Online Software Engineering Bootcamp
Flatiron School is excited to launch our Online Software Engineering Bootcamp. Students can now choose from a self-paced program, a part-time structured program, and a full-time structured program.

Flatiron School
Flatiron School and Citi Collaborate for Women Take Tech Initiative, Up to $1 Million in Total Scholarships
At Flatiron School, we’re committed to promoting gender parity and empowering women to enter tech. That thinking is why Citi is a natural partner for our Women Take Tech initiative.

Flatiron School
More on Our New Online Courses
Starting in September, Flatiron School students will be able to begin programs in Data Science and Software Engineering, at three different paces and levels of intensity: Full-Time, Part-Time, and Self-Paced.We created these new courses after learning a lot from two and a half years running the Online Web Developer Program. Not all students learn the […]

Software Engineering
5 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Atlanta
Atlanta’s teeming with tech talent — it's no secret. The city is home to Fortune 500 companies, vaunted tech institutions, and innovative startups, which has created a thriving tech community. At Flatiron School we want to continue fostering Atlanta’s tech scene — both for beginners, those familiar with code, and anyone else trying to join Atlanta's […]

Flatiron School
What is the Tech Community Like in Atlanta? And Why Did Flatiron School Go There?
At Flatiron School, we’re empowering people to do what they love and pursue a better life through education. We’ve already helped thousands of students start exciting careers in tech and we’re proud to further our mission with the launch of a new campus in Atlanta. Why Flatiron School chose Atlanta As a city, Atlanta was the […]
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