Flatiron School Blog
Announcing Our #Back2Code Challenge for 2018
The leaves are falling, a new season is set to begin, and students are going back to school. And in the spirit of starting anew, it’s also the perfect time to revisit a few things that may have been forgotten. Whether it was because of work, fun, life, or something else, it’s never too late […]
Flatiron School
What Tech Jobs Can I Get In Washington, D.C.?
There’s something missing in Washington, D.C. and no, this is not about politics. Data scientists, software engineers, and digital literate employees are in short supply in Washington D.C., according to LinkedIn. The nation’s capital has plenty of tech opportunities, but not enough people with the skills to fill these open roles. Find out how you can […]
Flatiron School
What is the Tech Community Like in Seattle? And Why Did Flatiron School Go There?
Since launching our first campus in New York City in 2012, Flatiron School’s mission has been to enable the pursuit of a better life through education. We’re excited to further this mission with the launch of our new campus in Seattle. This will be our seventh in-person campus and the first located in the West […]
Flatiron School Launches New Campus In Seattle
Flatiron School is excited to announce the launch of our new campus in Seattle. This marks the first West Coast location and seventh Flatiron School campus. We look forward to joining Seattle’s rich tech history and enriching the diverse community.“There are so many great companies all in need of top tech talent in the Puget […]
Flatiron School
The Largest Tech Employers In The Houston Area
Flatiron School launched our Houston campus because we believe in the vibrant tech community currently in the city. However, we also heard a lot of talk about “oil and gas.” While that’s certainly true, it’s definitely selling the city and its tech opportunities short. In fact, every company needs tech talent. Because, in 2018… All […]
Flatiron School
Flatiron School and Designation Join Forces to Grow Digital Design Education
At Flatiron School, our mission has always been to enable the pursuit of a better life through education. While we’ve built our curriculum to offer courses in software engineering and data science, our vision has never been limited to coding education. The careers of the future are rooted in creativity, and design has become a […]
Flatiron School
How Data Science Impacts Us Daily
You might guess that data science has played a role in your daily life. At Flatiron School, we’re excited about data science and its potential. After all, it not only affects what you do online, but what you do offline. Companies are using massive amounts of data to create better ads, produce tailored recommendations, and […]
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