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How Flatiron School’s Job Outcomes Are so High

Posted by Flatiron School on October 19, 2018

Flatiron School is proud to release yearly, independently verifiedJob Outcomes Reports.

  • In our 2018 Online Outcomes Report: 94% of job-seeking students accepted full-time salaried roles, paid apprenticeships, and part-time roles in the reporting period.

  • In the 2018 On-Campus Outcomes Report , 97% of job-seeking immersive Software Engineering students accepted full-time salaried roles, paid apprenticeships, and part-time roles in the reporting period. The report covers our immersive NYC software engineering program, the immersive iOS Developer course, and a web/iOS Fellowship program

Gretchen Jacobi, Head of Career Services at Flatiron, shares her insights into Flatiron School’s high student outcomes standards and how the Flatiron School team empowers students to master code and to master the art of job-seeking. She discusses the three reasons why Flatiron School successfully helps students change their careers, and, in turn their, lives.

A team effort

Flatiron School’s mission is to teach people how to code, transform their careers, _and _transform higher education. To that end, we’re dedicated to leading the industry by example and being transparent about our student’s success.Flatiron School has a number of mechanisms for orienting our whole school around our outcomes. If you look at our outcomes reports, 97% of on-campus grads and 94% of online grads are landing jobs in the field. We’re being very focused in terms of the curriculum and the hard skills and soft skills they learn.Our outcomes signal that we’ll be 110% behind you from the moment that you show up on campus, whether it’s virtual or in-person, until you get a job. Our whole team is behind each student.

More than just advice

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Career Services at Flatiron School is very different than career services at other traditional educational institutions. Our career services have two components: Career Coaching and Employer Evangelism. Since 2012, we’ve been perfecting what it takes to be a “no-brainer tech hire” and our team is with you every step of the way, supporting and empowering you until you accept the job that will kick off your new career.Career CoachingOur career coaches are not only experts at what they do, but build deep relationships with their students. Our coaches use techniques that help students understand within them what their strengths are and what their desires are. They help students find their own answers versus just giving them the answers. It’s closer, in technique, to life coaching than it is to career advisory. We help change your mindset, not just your resume.Students meet with their coaches 1:1 every week throughout the job search. Whether it’s more interview practice, a resume touch-up, or a pick-me-up, our coaches identify what you need most to succeed and personalize the experience to best support you. We’re never in “workshop mode” where we stand up in front of a group of 50 people and give best practices.Employer evangelismWe have an entire team that contacts employers all day, every day, to say, “We have incredible talent coming out of our program and you should consider them for these open positions you have on your team.” Through that work, they facilitate connections for our students with employer partners.As a school, our success is our student’s success which is why we invest so heavily in supporting students throughout the job search. From admissions to education to post-grad support, our approach is and has always been aligned around what will drive the highest outcomes.We’ve seen these efforts pay off with 100 percent of students accepting roles in technical disciplines in the 2018 On-Campus Outcome Report. Our graduates are working at small companies, medium-sized companies, and large companies. They’re making good salaries and doing real work. Their opinion is valued, they’re being invested in, and they’re building careers that last a long time.

Holding ourselves accountable

What sets our career services apart and allows us to achieve such high placement rates is our accountability and goal setting. We stand behind our outcomes. If we were ever getting feedback from our graduates that they’re not prepared to contribute on Day 1 — or weren’t prepared during the interview process — we would make changes. If we have the wrong admissions requirements, or we need to have more soft skills development in addition to technical skills development, we’re going to learn that and we’re going to create a feedback loop to improve.We know just how much effort it takes to successfully conduct a job search and we hold ourselves accountable for ushering every single student through this process. To learn more about how we think about the job search process, download our free eBook, How to Be A No-Brainer Tech Hire.

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