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Career Advice

Tracking Your Job Search

Tracking your job search is vital to finding employment as smoothly and quickly as possible. Here are 11 data points you should be tracking with every application you submit.
Career Advice

The Art of Salary Negotiation

Knowing the market rate for your industry and area is essential to earn the compensation you deserve. Without a number in mind and a negotiation strategy, you put yourself at the mercy of recruiters.
Career Advice

How To Use The 75% Rule In Your Job Search

The 75% rule says "if you can do 75% of the job - apply." You don’t need to have 100% of the skills, traits, and abilities that the job description lists to apply for the role or secure an interview.
Career Advice

Using Transferable Skills To Land A Tech Job

If you want to break into tech, transferable skills can help you land a new job, no matter how “unmatched” your skill set might appear to be. A deep dive into your experiences may reveal that you have far sought-after transferable skills than you thought.